Tuesday 3 August 2010

Continuous effort

I signed up for a postcard swap over on UK Stampers. I thought I'd go the whole hog and make something that really could be mailed as a postcard rather than feeling it had to go into an envelope for protection. Here's what I did (Linda, look away now if you'd rather not see before it reaches you in the flesh!).

I had a play with the bouncing brayer technique to make the background (tutorial {here} if you've never heard of this), inking up with three different Distress inks - perfect for the current Gingersnap colour challenge of yellow, orange and red. Then I overstamped the keys and script in Spiced Marmalade, used bubble wrap and gesso at top right and bleach stamped a couple of small clocks before adding the sentiment and clock face in black ink.

I gave the whole lot a spritz with Krylon sealant to give it a bit more protection as it goes through the post. The lace wasn't quite the right colour so I swiped over with a Copic marker before sticking it down firmly and then sitching it along the edge and stitching the sequins in place to be sure there was nothing loose going on. I stuck the whole lot to another piece of cardstock so the back was neat.

Stamps (all Cornish Heritage Farms):
Time to Stamp (Rummage Bin line)
Key Elements (All Things Considered line -in stock here at Bubbly Funk if you're in the UK)
Key Expressions (Mona Lisa Moments line)

Tim Holtz Distress ink by Ranger (Mustard Seed, Spiced Marmalade, Fired Brick)
Versafine by Tsukineko (Onyx Black)

Smooth white

Lace by Prima Marketing
Bubble wrap
Krylon Matt spray sealant
Gold thread

Hope Linda likes it! Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Fab postcard... hope the postal service treats it gently.......

  2. Lucky Linda!!! Its fabulous but I couldn't bring myself to post it! XXX

  3. Wow, this is gorgeous! Love your background technique, the embellies, the stamping - everything. And of course, the challenge colors, too, LOL!

  4. Love the bubble wrap print. Amazing colour too. x

  5. Oooo lovely Joanne, off to find the tute xx

  6. WOW what a great technique, your background looks fab. Love the idea of bleaching the watch stamp before restamping with black. The whole piece looks brilliant xxx

  7. Stunning must be scorchin' irl. xx Zoe

  8. Joanne I am loving all the orangeness going on at the mo on your blog.

    This postcard is gorgeous.


  9. What a GORGEOUS card, Joanne! Your friend will LOVE it, I'm sure!

    Hope you're having a wonderful summer!


  10. Oh this is gorgeous Joanne, I love it xx

  11. Those colours are just glorious - in fact the whole thing is stunning. Lucky Linda

  12. wow what a gorgeous postcard - really love the earthy orange and subtle background stamping! totally fab as always xx

  13. Gorgeous postcard! Must look up the bouncing brayer technique - I am intrigued.

  14. Loving your sunburst colours in this card !


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