Tuesday 10 August 2010

A bit of bling

A new month means a new object to make over at Something Completely Different and for August the team is asking us to make torsos at ATC size. I used Ruth Ann Zaroff's mannequin template from Mirkwood Designs {here} but changed the size and proportions to make it more ATC-friendly. She's a curvier model this way :o) The theme for our torsos this week is "bling".

I confess I'm not very good at bling - either in my personal style or in papercrafting. So although I really did try with this week's challenge the bling is still on the subtle side! I used a row of tiny nail art gems to define the waist curve along the right hand side. The other idea of having a necklace looked dreadful and ended up with me cutting the deep neckline and sitcking onto another blank torso to get rid of the gluey bit where the necklace attempt had been!

The swirls were embossed in clear for an emboss resist with Black Soot Distress ink swiped over.

Beautiful (Rummage Bin line at Cornish Heritage Farms)

Smooth white

Versamark by Tsukineko
Tim Holtz distress ink by Ranger (Black Soot)

Detail embossing powder (clear)
Nail art gems
Copic marker (to colour the neck)

Thanks for the challenge girls and thanks for stopping by!


  1. I am glad that you didn't go with lots of bling as that just isn't you my lovely. I love this lovely classic design XXX

  2. It's just gorgeous, Joanne! You added the perfect amount of bling--very classy, my friend!

    Hope you're having a wonderful day!


  3. Fabulous, its good to know you have to use cover ups because your work is always so fabulous to look at. xx Zoe

  4. ooo err very sexy! I'd love a top like that, great take on the theme.

  5. what a gorgeous torso - really love the plunging neckline and subtle bling on the waist!



  6. That's very sophisticated bling and Ab Fab :)
    Love that you could join in and play this week
    xoxo Sioux

  7. its very swish and chic!

  8. Quite a sophisticated little black number with just enough bling.
    Sue x

  9. This is classy and blingy at the same time - lovely - and the little nail gems are a great touch - accentuate the waist so well x

  10. Terrific, very classy. Annette x

  11. Wow, fabulous Joanne, I'm so pleased I'm not the only one that has to rescue a project. The amount of bling is perfect xx

  12. Very stylish torso and I love the white swirls and the little red gems to balance it out. Great make.

  13. Lovely torso! Wish I had one like that! :o) x

  14. Classy bling, if there is such a thing :-)

  15. Oh WOW Joanne ... this is so unique & awesome!! Great job!

  16. The plunging neckline work well with the subtle gems Joanne great ATC!

  17. Classy torso you've got there Joanne. I love your style. Good to have you on board.xx
    Sorry for being a rotten blogging friend. I look forward to catching up with your creations of the weekend. Gez.xx


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