Thursday 25 March 2010

Mixing it!

Today is the final project from me and Carol on the Tando white board. We thought it would be fun to have a free for all day and just go with wherever the flow took us! I decided to mix some of the products and techniques from the projects we've been showing over the last few weeks and made this little piece of shelf art (it has a stand at the back so you can just plonk it down on a flat surface and it's quite stable).

I took advantage of the white surface and inked my chippie with Adirondack dye inks and then added Tera over part of it, bubbled it with a heat gun and accentuated the texture with some acrylic paint. Sentiment and dragonfly stamped with the darker of the blue inks and then I added some teeny glass bubbles, some florist wire and a twig from the garden.

The floating dragonfly is made from Cosmic Shimmer fusible film (about the only time you see me with an iron in my hand is if it's being used for crafting - hee hee!). I painted the back of the body with acrylic paint so it still has the iridescent sheen from the film but it's more opaque than the wings. I gave him some wire antennae and the wire extends down behind the body to give it some support.

Stamps (Cornish Heritage Farms):
Emerging Dragonfly - Dream (Sara England line)

Scalloped circle (Tando Creative - you can find Tando stockists by looking here - I know Bubbly Funk already has this shape in stock, not sure about other places)

Adirondack dye ink by Ranger (Stonewashed and Denim)

Tera paint by Viva decor (Greek)
Florist wire
Cosmic Shimmer fusible film (Blue Lake)
2mm and 3mm AB finish "beads" (no hole)
Acrylic paint

Hop on over to the Tando Creative blog to see what Carol's been up to as well. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. wow what a stunning and well concieved piece...adore everything about it!

  2. This is such a beautiful piece of art Joanne! Love it!

  3. Lovely. Such great colours. What are you going to do with all these "lovelies" you've been making?

  4. Brilliant Joanne, good to see you got those little beads, they look fab xx

  5. Oh Joanne, this is truly exquisite!I bow to your talent XXX

  6. This is gorgeous, Joanne--and that dragonfly is amazing! Another wonderful piece--great work!

  7. You took my breath away with this piece of art! It is beyond gorgeous! I don't think I have ever seen something so pretty.

  8. This is stunning, Joanne! I love the variety of materials and textures you used.

  9. This is an outstanding piece of work Joanne. I don't know what more I can say - I love it!

  10. This is a beautiful piece of artwork Joanne I am in awe. :)

  11. Gorgeous - I so love that dragonfly (and that's one of the rare occasions my iron gets used for fusible fibres) x

  12. This is so well thought out ... I love it X

  13. Hiya Teamie..

    I love this piece - that dragonfly is so realistic against the brance and the verse is gorgeous


  14. WOW, this is so unique and so fabulous Joanne!! I love how your creative mind works ... always such unique, beautiful creations you come up with .. what an inspiration you are!!

  15. Beautiful Joanne - love your combination of techniques...x

  16. That dragonfly is amazing! So fragile...........


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