Wednesday 24 March 2010

Measure of time

I managed to make time to play along with Ready Steady Stamp's current challenge. Here are the required five ingredients. I was struggling a bit with the numbers and then remembered I had some printed ruler twill that's been in my stash forever! The rest came from there and as I did it I realised that it fits this week's Sunday Stamper as well. I guess Roman Numerals should count for numbers too so my clocks are doubling my number quota!

The base for my project is an empty chocolate box. One advantage of hubby travelling is that he often buys me nice choccies at the airport. The added bonus of that is that the boxes are usually really sturdy which makes them perfect for decorating later! A quick covering with a couple of coats of gesso and you're ready to roll. I stamped the sides of the lid by putting my inked stamp face up on the desk and pressing the lid down onto it - you can get your fingers inside and make sure you get good contact that way.

I watched a video tutorial a few days ago for making faux suede carnations. They remind me of an extreme version of the "sloppy poppies" that Kathy and others have been doing for a while and I thought it would be fun to have a go as the 3D element required for RSS. A good excuse to abuse a piece of card stock and get a pretty result at the end!

Here's a close-up of how mine turned out. The video is here if you'd like it - leave Mary a note if you liked it, she's just getting going with the video tutorials and likes to know how she's doing!

Stamps (Cornish Heritage Farms):
Time to Stamp (Rummage Bin line)

Simply Smooth Vanilla
Baby pink (Prism Papers)
Empty chocolate box
Corrugated packaging card

Stazon by Tsukineko (Timber Brown)
Tim Holtz Distress by Ranger (Vintage Photo)

Circle Nestabilities by Spellbinder (I used the second size up in the Classic Circles Large set)
Labels Nine Nestabilities by Spellbinder (trimmed so just the deep bracket was left)
Printed twill
Copic markers (to colour the leaves and tint the edges if the carnation)

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. This is Beautiful!!!! You really did a great job with the flower. Thank you so much for the comments on my blog about the tutorial for the flower and the link here for others to see. Greatly appreciate it.

  2. ooooo I really like this Joanne!!! That flower is amazing. HUGS XXX

  3. The box is just gorgeous Joanne and I love the flower, thanks for the link xxx

  4. WOW, this is stunning...thanks for joining in with the challenge...I love your art :O))

  5. Stunning box Joanne. Love the different clock faces especially the on at the left hand side. Oooh your flower is something else. :) Looks like this project was lots of fun. Now back to work girl! Hugs, Gez.xx

  6. Ooh Joanne, I love the box, the colours and placement. The flower is gorgeous, I'd be interested in seeing how it's created. Lovely creations from you as always. XX

  7. Really beautiful box. And it's nice to see something else than a card. Thanks for playing

  8. Wow,just love it. Beautiful box. Anesha

  9. ooh chocs and a reusable box - he really spoils you!!! Lovely work there, I like the corruguated board look.

  10. Beautiful box Joanne and a good excuse for your husband to keep buying you chocolates, "but darling I need the box to decorate for a challenge!" :)

  11. Beautiful artwork Joanne, love those stamps & your flower is gorgeous! x

  12. Gorgeous, Joanne! I really love everything about this--perfect!

    Hope you're having a wonderful day, my friend!

  13. Beautiful box Joanne, and the flower is gorgeous...x

  14. Great box - I love to do boxes, just wish I had more time....


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