Thursday 1 October 2009

Christmas Cardinal

I've gone back to the Evergreen Holiday set for today's card but instead of using the cone as the focal image as I did last week (this post) I've used it to make a background paper by stamping off onto scrap and then randomly stamping the fainter impression onto Cryogen White cardstock (which has a lovely soft shimmer to it that's impossible to catch on camera - so pretty for Christmas cards!).

I used a tiny dot of Glossy Accents to make the cardinal's eye raised and, well, glossy!

Stamps (Cornish Heritage Farms):
Evergreen Holiday (All Things Considered line)


Cryogen White


Brilliance by Tsukineko (Graphite Black)

Tim Holtz Distress by Ranger (Vintage Photo)


Sewing machine and thread
Tags Trio dies by Spellbinder

Classic Circles Nestabilities by Spellbinder

Fiskars circle cutter (to make the black mat for the Nestie circle)

Copic markers

Silk embroidery ribbon

Crystal brad (Making Memories)

Glossy Accents by Ranger

Thanks for the kind comments on the Kinkade gift card holder. I fed all the eligible names into (sorry teamie Jean, you have the papers already!) and asked it to shake up the list. The name it gave me on top was maiahs_momma - congrats Catherine! I'll get your papers off to you ASAP.

If you've arrived at my blog by way of the World Card Making Day blog tour - welcome! I hope you enjoy your visit. If you would like the coupon code and link to the PaperCrafts/CK store, they're over in the side bar on the left.

Thanks for stopping by today everybody, I appreciate your visits!


  1. I love that beautiful red of the bird, its a stunning card X

  2. a gorgeously inked and stamped card...still wish I was on your xmas card list *hint* lol

  3. Another great card Joanne - are you fed up with Christmas yet? ha ha ha!

  4. Another beautiful card Joanne

  5. Another beauty, Joanne! You have such a lovely touch with everything. I just blamed you on my blog today for the card I just WAS your fault, you know! (just kidding!)

  6. This card is so elegant! You make me want to order up this stamp set, too - don't know if I can stand not having it! :)

  7. Love the POP of red in this creation! Awesome!
    Congrats to the winner ... Pooh ... looks like I was close to winning, LOL!!

  8. Very elegant card Joanne.

    You are on a roll with Christmas cards.

    B x


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