Wednesday 30 September 2009

Triple challenge combo time!

Don't you love it when a challenge on its own has you struggling but then something else comes along and you get an idea that combines them? DCM this week asked us to "tartan it up" and I couldn't think of anything tartan in my supplies. Then Lori set this week's Crafty Secrets challenge on Splitcoast to make fabric yo-yos (or other handmade fabric embellie) and it all fell in to place. I figured I might as well throw in a sketch challenge for good measure - lol! The card is based on Kazan's Sketch 36 over on 2 Sketches 4 You.

Unusually for me, the stamping takes a back seat but it's still there :o) This is one of those 5" square cards where you bless the fact you have a 6" square Scrapblock so you can stamp the whole background without piecing anything!

I made the yo yo by cutting a circle with the largest Nestie from the Large Circles set. A tip if you are making these - use big stitches round the edge if you want your yo yo to pull up tight in the centre, small stitches will give you a more open one.

Stamps (Cornish Heritage Farms):
Vintage Ledger Scrapblock

Vintage Christmas Expressions (Mona Lisa Moments line)


Christmas Image and Journal booklet (Heartwarming Vintage)

Suede Brown Medium (Prism Papers)
Cryogen White

Versafine by Tsukineko (Vintage Sepia - stamped sentiment)
Tim Holtz Distress ink by Ranger (Vintage Photo - sponged edges)


Tartan fabric from an old shirt

Vintage buttons
Linen thread

Grungeboard Elements by Ranger

Gold carylic paint
Classic Circle Nestabilities by Spellbinder
Sewing machine and thread

Fiskars edge punch (Threading Water/Scalloped Lace)

If you arrived by way of the WCMD blog tour, please feel free to settle in and browse for a while if you have time - the last 10 days or so have all been holiday projects for the WCMD countdown. The PaperCrafts/CK store link and 25% discount coupon code are over in the side bar on the left if you fancy a spot of discounted shopping.

Don't forget to leave a comment on Tuesday's post before midnight tonight if you'd like your name in the hat to win those Kinkade paper packs.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I really like this. Don't know how you manage it all.

  2. love this! good work with tripling up. love how you found an old shirt for the yo-yo!

  3. This is absolutely beautiful. I think it's one of your best Joanne - which is saying something as your cards are always fabulous

  4. great work and the tartan embellie is fab and goes really well with the rest of the card.

  5. Gorgoeus Joanne!!! But I thought a yo-yo was a frustrating round wooden toy with string that I could never get the hang of hahaha

    Brilliant work honey XXX

  6. As you know, I just LOVE this creation!! You have that "magical" touch and it certainly shows in this creation! Awesome elements turned into a work-of-art!! Well done my friend!!

  7. I wish I could make wonderful cards like you actually if I could just the make one I would be happy!
    Another wonderful card Joanne

  8. oh that's a stunning card Joanne. Love the tartan yo yo and the image.

  9. oooo I like this ... that tartan YOYO is fab ... I have stamps somewhere that you make YOYO tummys for ... I got a little pattern and everything ... course ... I have not actually ever made one yet *LOl*

  10. What a gorgeous card. Its so traditional and 'Christmassy'.
    Sue x

  11. Just a fabulous card, Joanne! And as I said before, LOVE the plaid yo-yo! You have a real knack for putting everything together--beautiful job!

  12. Oh wow, but this is gorgeous!!! All of your elements came together so perfectly!

  13. This is fabulous and I just love that gorgeous tartan ribbon.

    Lynda xxx

  14. You are really pushing yourself now Joanne! Great card.

  15. fabulous card! love the vintage image!

  16. Oooh, this is stunning, it combines vintage and modern beautifully. :)


  17. ok wow! That tartan embelly is gorgeous and pops on the card. I love the whole look
    :) Kazan

  18. Such a wonderful card. Congratz on making the super seven

  19. congrats on winning the super 7, your card is fabulous. love the tarten flower what a great idea.

    Hugs Carol x


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