Monday 1 December 2008

Fade into the background?

One of the things I love about background stamps is that they're so versatile so when Julia told us that this week's CHF Challenge Chicks would focus on backgrounders my problem was choosing an idea from many rather than coming up with just one! I decided to make my background stamp the star of the project and use it to add texture as well as colour. The pendant is polymer clay cut to shape with the lid from a small jar and the barrel of a pen! I dusted Perfect Pearls onto a sheet of paper and laid my stamp on to pick up the powder (I find there's less chance of getting it into the crevices of the stamp and therefore onto bits of the clay where you didn't want it if you do this rather than brush the powder directly onto the stamp). If you have a small piece of baking parchment under your clay shape, you can handle it without distorting. I pressed the pendant gently onto the stamp and then baked. I think these would make nice Christmas gifts and with a limited supplies list it won't break the bank, either! I think one small block of polymer clay would make 8-10 pendants of this size (this one is just under 2" across). Stamps: Tiled Scallops backgrounder Other: Sculpey Premo polymer clay (black) Perfect Pearls (Perfect Copper from the Metallics kit) Leather thong Thanks for stopping by! For more backgrounder ideas, check out the other girls playing along today: Carole ~ Dawn ~ Julia ~ Kim ~ Kristine ~ Lisa Strahl ~ Michele ~ Val


  1. WOW Joanne! I lurve this and a fabulous idea too. Thank you x

  2. Stunning Joanne, I love it xx

  3. GORGEOUS Joanne! wow!!! just beautiful

  4. ooooo this is lovely Joanne X

  5. What a brilliant idea, Joanne - it looks fab

  6. Great idea Joanne, what a bargain!!

  7. That is super Joanne, what a versatile crafter you are.
    Thanks for the technical info in your comment on my blog.
    Sue x

  8. Where do you get your ideas from Joanne? There must be something in the water up in the north east! I lurve your pendant and I love how you never use the expensive tools but jars and pens. Fabby dabby, I want to try this.

  9. Thanks for such beautiful inspiration! Wonder if the kids have left any clay for their mother to play with--certainly hope so!

  10. This is a gorgeous gift. I *Love* it! Thanks for sharing this fabulous idea.

  11. Hi Joanne, I love your work, and I've left you a present on my blog on today's post-12/1-have fun

  12. that's lovely Joanne. may have to try this

  13. Wow ... this is amazing Joanne!! I have NEVER done anything with clay but you have certainly sparked my curiousity with this one! This is beautiful and a great gift in deed!! GORGEOUS!! Well done my friend!!

  14. Wow! This is stunningly beautiful, Joanne.

  15. This is absolutely wonderful! You got such a clear impression, very cool!

  16. I love this Joanne! You make it look so easy. I am going to try it. I love your creativity! :)

  17. WOW! This is a great look and great on the budget too. TFS - Dru

  18. WOW... your pendant is absolutely beautiful!! I just bought some fimo yesterday, what a fab way to use it. TFS
    Chris xx

  19. WOW this pendant is stunning :O)


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