Monday 24 November 2008

Challenge chicks get chatty!

It's Challenge Chicks day over at Cornish Heritage Farms and today's challenge is "wordy" - use words as a feature of your design.

I seem to have come over a bit floaty and romantic just recently so I thought it was probably time to knock that on the head and go for something a bit different!

I've used words from the Big Inspiration set to create my wordy background - I went for repeat stampings of IMAGINE, CREATE and INSPIRE and a single (obviously!) UNIQUE stamped in acrylic paint. The grungy look of the typeface seemed a perfect pairing with a Grungeboard skull and crossbones. I thought this might be a fun card to remind a teen girl that she's special!

Big Inspiration

Razzleberry medium (Prism Papers)

Fluid chalk ink by Clearsnap (Dark Peony)
Adirondack paint dabber by Ranger (Snowcap)

Sewing machine and thread
Stamp positioner

Want to Word Up? Lots of other DT members playing along today if you want to check out some more wordy ideas, why not pay them a visit?
Carole ~ Dawn ~ Kim ~ Lesley ~ Michele

Thanks for stopping by today, I appreciate you taking the time to visit!


  1. Good to do something different sometimes - great card - love the stitching

  2. Absolutely love it Joanne!!

  3. LOVE how you highlighted the one word, Joanne! And love the skull and stitching!

  4. love 'unique' highlighted Joanne! great card

  5. Great card, you're right, it's quite different from those you've been making lately - a change is as good as a rest, so they say

  6. How original. Great idea & very appealing, my daughter (14) said 'awesome' when I showed her!

  7. Yes! my daughter liked it. :o)

    There is a little something on my blog for you. x

  8. Lovely Joanne - and its PINK!!

  9. I'm super late with my comment, Joanne, but I had to let you know that I *LOVE* this card! So cute & cool -- perfection! :)

  10. I'm no Goth but i have a thing for the quirky skulls that are about in the crafting world ATM, and this card is a super cool example of how to use one :O)


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