Friday 11 February 2022

Two hearts

As we’re fast approaching Valentine’s Day, Dawn couldn’t resist giving us a Valentine theme at Daring Cardmakers this week

I’ve combined with the current challenge at Lost Coast Designs who are in the pink. I’m not usually good with pink so I’ve tried to keep things clean and simple to help me get over the “prettiness” problem that’s the root of my issues!

Retro Rubber has the theme of love for the current challenge and as I’ve had the Hero Arts heart stamp set since 2014 I’m linking up there, too.

I smooshed a bit of Kitsch Flamingo onto the card base using a piece of acetate then stamped the first heart with Picked Raspberry, masked it and stamped the second heart with the Flamingo ink. As the smooshed ink is diluted with a spritz of water, the stamping has enough extra intensity to show up (I did use the MISTI so I could stamp a couple of times to make sure though).

Untitled Hearts (Hero Arts, retired — I’ve had mine since 2014)
Key Expressions (Cornish Heritage Farms, no longer with us)

Bristol board

Versafine by Tsukinkeo (Onyx Black)
Tim Holtz Distress ink by Ranger (Kitsch Flamingo, Picked Raspberry)

Corner Chomper 

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. I love the smoosh of pink to create your background. Clean and simple and stunning.

  2. Wow, I think you rocked your technique today - this is stunning! Smooshing and CAS are such great ways to tame the dreaded pinks - they're a challenge for me, too! I am "smitten" with this design! Thanks so much for playing at Retro Rubber!

  3. This is wonderful, so clean even though it is smooshed. Thanks for joining us at Retro Rubber this time. Claire DT

  4. Look at you! Triple play on challenges! Cool!
    hugs Margot

  5. Love the simplicity of this valentine! So stunning. Thanks for joining us at Retro Rubber!

  6. Great end run around the pink prettiness issue. A very artsy looking card. xoxo

  7. This is lovely, Joanne and isn't too girly and icky at all! Great job, Jo x

  8. I love your smooshing on this one, it looks wonderful behind that heart xx

  9. This is lovely, so stylish! Thanks so much for joining in with us at Lost Coast Designs and have a very happy week, Sue xx

  10. It's a clean design with lots of white space, but it's "messy" at the same time, which I quite fancy. Nicely done!


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