Friday 24 September 2021

Wild hare day

Nat is setting the challenge at Daring Cardmakers this week and she'd like to see animal prints or wild animals. I suspect she was thinking lions and tigers (oh, my!) but I've gone a bit closer to home. I've never seen a domesticated hare so it must be a wild animal, right?

This lino cut style hare is actually sold as a Christmas stamp (it has a festive sentiment along with it) but I figure it's really a year-round image, just switch out the sentiment.

I stamped in black on the card base then again in chocolate brown, cut out the hare and raised him just a bit on some gel glue. Some dots with a couple of Copic markers to fill in some sky and a stamped sentiment and call it done.

Start Gazer (Woodware)
Sentiment from Big Day today (Waltzingmouse Stamps, no longer with us)

Bristol board

Brilliance by Tsukineko (Graphite Black, Pearlescent Chocolate)

Copic markers
Pinflair glue gel
Corner Chomper

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. This is very reminiscent to me of when my cousin was into block printing many years ago. I stupidly gave back an owl she had done a long time ago. I should have framed it.

    It is charming.
    hugs Margot

  2. Oh I love that stamp, I just got it in the mail last week! Fussy cutting the hare for more dimension is a nice touch. Do like!

  3. Lovely card Joanne, and it's great to see some British wildlife features. Your happy hare is fab!

  4. Beautiful. I have this stamp. Must dig him out. Hugz


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