Friday 11 June 2021

Flag pole

Kathy has set the challenge for us at Daring Cardmakers this week and she'd like us to take inspiration from the flag of a country other than our own (we used this site for a guide to flags of the world).

I chose the flag of Estonia and in finding out a litte more about it, I discovered that the national bird is the barn swallow. I'm not sure mine is exactly the right type but it is a swallow so I thought it should see the light of day.

Representing a white stripe proved a bit difficult - I ended up doing a very, very light wash of colour underneath so hopefully the eye sees blue, black, white above the sentiment. The image is stamped on the card base and then again separately on Bristol and just the bird cut out and stuck on with gel glue for a bit of lift.

Maybe I was drawn to the Estonian flag because I've been listening to some Arvo Pärt recently (I'm in good company, he's apparently the most performed living composer). Spiegel im Speigel is just beautiful - if you have a few quiet minutes to spare, this version has the string part taken by cello rather than the more usual violin and I think it has a lovely, haunting almost hypnotic quality.

Joy (Carabelle Studio)
Say It All (Hero Arts, retired)

Scrap of Bristol board

Versafine by Tsukineko (Onyx Black)

Watercolors (Winsor & Newton)
Pearl pen by viva Decor (Ice White)
Copic markers
Pinflair glue gel

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Absolutely love this and the amount of research that went into it. Good job! Shabneez x

  2. Replies
    1. And stunning music, I love the sound of cello.

  3. I am listening to the link right now :) It is lovely.

    I saved that flag link. Could make for a good self challenge in the future.

    I see the white-good idea with the wash. It is sweet to use the bird with it.

    hugs Margot

  4. So beautiful. Great job.


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