Wednesday 2 September 2020

Link in the chain - August (and July!)

It's reveal time again over at Card Chain Challenge. My card this month went to Kath so it didn't have too far to travel.

From the options on offer, I chose the themes of summer and friendship. Summer seemed like the perfect excuse to revist this sweet image. I thought simple pencil colouring might work (although not so well for the photograph, it turns out!) and used the Toned Grey paper again as a nice neutral, slightly sandy base.

Seaside (Craft Secrets, no longer with us)

Toned Grey by Strathmore

Brilliance by Tsukineko (Pearlescent Chocolate)
Tim Holtz Distress ink by Ranger (Antique Linen)

Stitched rectangle dies (Paper Rose Studio)
Coloured pencils

I realised I forgot to blog July's chain card so I'll do that here too, just so I have a record if I check back on my blog! This one went to Helen and I chose the underwater theme, the colours and the sketch (mirror image as my octopus faces right).

I used the MISTI and stamped dark to light so I cold heat emboss the solid layer of the image so the octopus would resist the inking for the background circle - sure beats trying to mask those fiddly tentacles!

Color Layering Octopus (Hero Arts)

Bristol board

I don't remember but Distress and Oxides in Wilted Violet, Milled Lavender, Tumbled Glass and Salty Ocean probably went in there somewhere! I do rememeber the sentiment is Charcoal by Hero Arts.

Detail embossing powder (clear)
Stickles (Frosted Lace)
Stencil (Fibres by Visible Image)

Thanks for stopping by, hope you are keeping safe and well. There are still a few days to sign up for the September chain if you fancy making and sending a card and getting one from another chain member. sign up here.


  1. What a wonderful image and it looks so lovely against that grey paper. I love that paper, it is ideal for colouring. Kath is very lucky to have received this one xx

  2. What a beautiful job of pencil work! I love the idea of the grey paper too.
    Really as good as many art pieces I see sold on the street here!

    You know I am going to love the octopus. The only way for him to be better for me is if he was red. Sentimental fav.

    I am so glad you are still posting and going along in these difficult times. I really enjoy your blog!
    inky hugs Margot

  3. Two very lovely cards, Joanne. So glad you're a link in our chain again, Jo x

  4. Just love your beach scene, Joanne - lucky Kath to get this beauty!! Fun octopus from July too!!


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