Friday 26 June 2020

Let's go 3D

It's Dawn's turn to set our challenge this week at Daring Cardmakers and she's asking us to go 3D - make a bag or a box!

I always find myself wanting different ways to present gift cards come Christmas so I had a go at a pop up box and made it Christmassy!

I particularly liked the idea of adding a little extra, so I used this tutorial. I found a stash of Bazzil cardstock recently so picked out Limeade for a slightly brighter take on Christmas colours.

I did tweak the the tutorial as I added an extra bit so there's a divider towards the front to tuck the little extra into. I love her idea of the tube of Rolos but you could substitute other chocolate or sweets or something like a lipstick or mascara for a girlie gift I reckon. I also punched a half circle thumb hole to make the lid easier to open and clipped the back corners of the lid into a slope.

Slide the ribbon off, open the box and ta-da! (An old NT membership card is standing in as body-double for a gift card here).

Noel (Waltzingmouse Stamps, no longer with us)
Holly (Freebie magazine stamp)

Bazzil (Limeade)
Deep red
Bristol board

Versafine by Tsukineko (Crimson Red)
Brilliance by Tsukineko (Graphite Black)

Labels die by Spellbinder
Circle punch by Fiskars
Red Spica glitter pen
Stitch tags dies by Waltzingmouse Stamps
Red gingham ribbon

Thanks for stopping by, take care and stay safe if you are somewhere where restrictions are easing.


  1. That's a great gift card holder and I love that you can even add a little gift! You're very organized with your Christmas crafting, Joanne ;-)!

  2. First of all I love that its for Christmas as I just love Christmas projects. And also I must give this a go.

  3. What a fun project & I love the limeade for a brighter Christmas green!

  4. Good on you to be so organized and ahead!
    It came out very nicely. I like the added things you did like the thumb notch.
    hugs Margot

  5. This is so clever! Thanks for linking up the tutorial :-)


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