Friday 27 March 2020

Recycling duty

Ruth has set this week's challenge for us over at Daring Cardmakers, choosing her topic well before the current state of affairs. It might be very apt for times when we have to stay in since it's about using what you already have, not nipping out to buy new: recycling!

I decided I'd make postcards to send to my dad and brother - a bit of actual mail dropping through the letterbox might be extra welcome at this time and I figured postcards might raise a smile or two as they worked their way through the mail system.

My recycled elements are the insides of a couple of "security" envelopes (the sort that have bank statements etc in them) and the pointing fingers which came from cartons of oat milk - the printed layer of the carton peeled off beautifully so they were easy to cut out and not too bulky.

The bubble borders are painted with iridescent colours so they have an extra soap bubbly look about them but of course that doesn't come over on camera.

On a side note: if you're looking for a plant-based milk that froths well and keeps that froth for the perfect cafe latte or capuccino, I have to say that Oatly Barista does the job extremely well!

Bubble border (Lost Coast Designs)
Just My Type (Ma Vinci's Reliquary, no longer with us)

Security envlopes (stuck on white card)

Archival by Tsukineko (Cobalt Blue) 
Versafine by Tsukineko (Onyx Black)

Oatly carton
Perfect Pearls
Fine line marker

Thanks for stopping by, stay safe and remember to wash your hands!


  1. Love it! Oatly is my favourite for coffee too 😊

  2. These postcards are way cool Joanne, you really sourced the elements well and so so appropriate for events happening now.... stay safe, hugs Robyn

  3. That is fun!!
    I never thought about the insides of those envelopes. ha! Yay that the milk carton peeled so easily for you! Perfect image for this!
    hugs Margot


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