Friday 21 February 2020

String theory

Kathy has set this week’s challenge over at Daring Cardmakers - we’re “all tied up” using string, twine, ribbon etc on our cards.

I went for perhaps a slightly left-field take on this one since I used string but it’s not there on the finished card, if you see what I mean! I’ve seen “string pull” art several times and finally got round to having a try.

You basically ink up some string, put it down on the page in a wiggly pattern, put another piece of paper on top, apply pressure and pull the string. Totally unpredictable but fun!

There are loads of video tutorials out there if you want to have a go and prefer to learn visually - this one is as good a start point as any, I reckon!

Birthday (Letter It by Ranger)

Smooth white, black, gold linen texture

Flame Orange Acrylic ink (Daler Rowney)
Versafine by Tsukineko (Onyx Black)

Crochet thread
Corner Chomper 

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. That is gorgeous. I keep meaning to give this a try. Hugz

  2. That is on my technique to learn list. So cool looking!! Thanks for the vid link too. I like how you kept it clean.

    hugs Margot

  3. Ive done this technique but didnt know what to do with samples but this is great xx

  4. Fabulous card Joanne, these string pulls are such fun and yours is gorgeous, Robyn

  5. Whaaaat??? And that was me wanting to ask you where you got that gorgeous flower stamp because I want one for myself. Boohooooo. Your card looks soooo awesome. I totally love it.

  6. So cute, love that background!


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