Friday 2 August 2019

Link in the Chain - July

It's time for another reveal at the Card Chain Challenge. My card has gone to Gail this month. Gail is part of the team that does a fabulous job organising the Chain each month so it's a particular pleasure to be able to send her a card.

From the options on offer this month I chose the theme of faces and also the product options of watercoluring and stencils.

I have to confess to a slight cheat this time - Molly was already watercoloured and mounted on another card that I had never used so I pulled it apart and made a new one since I liked the way she turned out and it seemed a shame not to have sent her to anybody! She's stamped in a very light ink so I could do some "no line" colouring.

I had a stencil out on my desk that was cut with the Spellbinder fancy lattice die - I used that to add a bit of background with Tumbled Glass ink and then ran a glitter pen around the edge of a few shapes and smudged it for some shimmery shading.

Molly (Beeswax Stamps)
Sentiment from Journaling Words 3 (Artistic Stamper)

Cold press watercolour
Bristol board

Tim Holtz Distress ink by Ranger (Antique Linen, Vintage Photo, Walnut Stain, Black Soot, Pumice Stone, Tumbled Glass)
Brilliance by Tsukineko (Pearlescent Chocolate)

Circle Nestabilities and Fancy Lattice die (Spellbinder)
White paint pen by Posca

Turquoise Spica glitter pen
Charcoal pencil
Corner Chomper

There are still a few days to sign up for the August chain if you fancy it - just make one card using one or more of the challenge options, send it out and get a handmade card from the next person in the chain.


  1. She's gorgeous, Joanne and I'm certain Gail was delighted to receive your beautiful card! Thanks for being a link in the chain again, Jo x

  2. That is seriously good watercoloring, glad you were able to rescue her. That background works really well. Thanks too for your lovely comment, you made my day xx

  3. Gail loved it LOL. This card is just stunning. Fabulous water colouring Thanks. Hugz


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