Thursday 30 May 2019

Secret hideaway

My turn to set the challenge over at Daring Cardmakers this week. I'd like to see a card with a hidden element! You might choose to use a camouflage/eclipse sentiment with die cut words or letters, add a pocket to your card and tuck something inside, use a flap to conceal a surprise image or sentiment... what can you come up with to create a secret hideaway?

I've added a "custom giftcard" to mine - the headphones are stamped and coloured then a die cut giftcard was placed over the top and I stamped again (I find the MISTI is invaluable for jobs like this where you need precision placement). The partial image on the giftcard was coloured to match and I used a die that cuts the two notches to slot the card in to.Custom gift card information is added to the back of the card and a little greeting message written between the headphones on the base.

Feel the Power (Sheena Douglass)
Birthday Centers (Cornish Heritage Farms, no longer with us)

Bristol board

Brilliance by Tsukineko (Graphite Black)
Tim Holtz Distress Oxide (Twisted Citron)

Giftcard dies (Waltzingmouse Stamps, no longer with us)
Copic markers

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. That is terribly clever...I looked at it very closely and you did an amazing job of lining it up perfectly-MISTI or not!

  2. This is brilliant Joanne - shame the die is no longer with us I'd have bought it! Super challenge as I tried something new! Shabneez x


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