Friday 22 March 2019

Recycle it

The lovely Svenja is setting our challenge this week at Daring Cardmakers and she'd like us to do a bit of recycling. It could be a failed project that you've given a makeover to turn it into something fabulous or it could be bits and pieces you rescue from the recyle bin and put to good crafty use.

I used three bits of "recylcing" here: a magazine page to make a print using a gel plate, my sentiment word is cut from a piece of tomato paste tube and I used a "stencil" that is actually a piece of plastic that came on a computer keyboard as a protector while in transit.

If you have a gel plate and haven't played with the magazine transfer technique it's a fun thing to do - this video is a good introduction if you want to have a play! Premium weight copy paper seems to make a good surface to pull prints and it's not expensive so it doesn't feel too awful if something doesn't work!

I used a white pencil to add some gentle highlighting and a charcoal pencil for some grounding shadows.

This is for a friend with whom we enjoy the odd wine tasting!

Page from Decanter magazine
Gelli plate
Acrylic paints (black, yellow green, turquoise)
White pencil
Charcoal pencil
Happy Stamp n Cut (Hero Arts)
Tomato paste tube
Keyboard “stencil”
Tim Holtz Distress ink (Mowed Grass) 
Versafine by Tsukineko (Onyx Black)
Black Copic marker
Corner chomper

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Sounds like a fun technique! Great card, love the colours and imahes, Jo x

  2. will watch the video - this is a fantastic card to represent recycling - good luck x

  3. I like that color you used. Cool process. Thanks for the link!
    You have to tell me one day how you get paste tube so smooth for die cutting.
    hugs Margot

  4. Love this Joanne - I'll take a look at the video as I am one step closer to buying a gelli press now I have a brayer! Shabneez x

  5. These are really clever ideas to use recycled items - and your finished card looks amazing! Great job!

  6. Fabulous card using the recycled items. The magazine print looks great, not tried taking prints but a technique I must try.

    Sylv xx

  7. Wonderful! Such clever recycling and re-purposing

    I've never thought of checking plastic packaging for stencilling opportunities!

  8. Hah, tomato paste! That's what gave me the idea for the challenge, how cool of you to use it here. The gelliplate transfer has turned out great, I do love my gelliplate, too, I'm finding it rather addictive :-)

  9. Thanks for pointing me in the direction of another fine example of gelli magazine transfer. I love this one too. I am going to have to give it a go so will be looking out for appropriate magazine or book pages to use xx


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