Friday 18 January 2019

Just stamping!

It’s Dawn’s turn to challenge us over at Daring Cardmakers this week - she’s asked us to use stamps and ink only, no embellishments, no die cuts, just stamps and ink.

Some of the team found this a real challenge but I must confess my biggest problem was deciding which stamps to use! Stamps and ink are right up my alley and I’m quite likely to make a card that doesn’t feature anything else even without being given a specific restriction! (witness last week's DCM card!)

Although I used an outline image that needed colouring, I stuck to the challenge by using ink as my colouring medium - I hope that’s in the spirit of the thing! I just squished Distress inks into the lid of the pad and used a small brush to paint the image with them.

Sun Ripened II (Stampin’ Up, retired)
Sentiment from. Hero Arts set

Bristol board 

Brilliance by Tsukineko (Graphite Black)
Tim Holtz Distress ink by Ranger (as watercolours, Mustard Seed, Shabby Shutters, Peeled Paint, Vintage Photo, Spun Sugar, Tumbled Glass)

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Wow, another fabulous card, Joanne! Jo x

  2. I just knew this one would be up your street and I was right! Stunning work as ever Joanne. Shabneez x

  3. I knew you'd enjoy this one and it would be no hardship at all for you (unlike for yours truly)!
    I love the LO of this, with the pretty sky and the lemon branch 'overhanging' the top corner

  4. Very pretty! I am always impressed when people get between the fine bits to paint sky....

    Hugs from across the pond, Margot

  5. Beautifully stamped and coloured card.

    Sylv xx

  6. Oh, Joanne, another beautiful card, and congratulations on using just stamps and ink. It's amazing what we can do with what were the basics way back when -- haha! This is another beautiful stamp set that is classic, and you've used it well. Beautifully colored and a perfect sentiment! Hugs and love! xoxo

  7. Stunning. I am so happy that you liked the challenge. You really have created a fabulous card. x


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