Friday 3 February 2017

February elements

It's the first dare of the month at daring Cardmakers and Svenja has provided our "elemental" photo this time. As usual the dare is to take at least three elements from the picture to use in your card.

I chose the cogs, the diamond shape and the loose coil of wire as my elements and made a clean and simple, masculine-looking card.

I have no idea what happened with the Enamel Accents - it went on looking like enamel dots, nice smooth domes. I left the card aside to dry overnight and discovered all the dots had a central dimple the next morning! It's done it very neatly so I decided it could just be considered "supposed to be like that"!

For the diamond frame, I used a knife and ruler to cut around the aperture left after die cutting one of the solid shapes.

I used a red Spica glitter pen to go over the stamped sentiment which probably just about shows on the detail shot.

Cogs background by Indigo Blu
Essential Messages by Hero Arts

Paper: Bristol Board

Shadow ink by Hero Arts (Soft Granite)
Memento Luxe by Tsukineko (Love Letter)

Geometric shape dies by Hero Arts
Enamel Accents by Ranger (white)
Spica glitter pen by Copic (red)
Silver metallic thread
Corner Chomper

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I love the subtle grey with the pop of red Joanne. I thought at first the enamel accents were beads....the really add something x

  2. Fabulous 'male' card.
    And I love the little dimples. Definitely look like they're supposed to be like that.

  3. love the card - the dimples are great and I know you did it on purpose to keep the theme of the cogs -lol x

  4. Love what happened with the enamel accents Joanne - I couldn't make mine do that even if I wanted to! Fab male card - love he design. Shabneez x

  5. Super-elegant take on the theme, Joanne! And I agree with everyone else: the dimples do add a nice touch. I also love the muted colour scheme with just that touch of red. And the combo of solid diamonds with the hand-cut diamond frame. Nice!

  6. Amazing card with the fantastic colour accent. I must try the coiled metalic thread, I love the effect. x


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