Wednesday 20 April 2016

Easy watercolouring!

I needed to make a birthday card for my mum and having recently been on holiday (leading to the inevitable creative slump arising from being separated from your crafting supplies!) I needed something that wasn't too challenging!

I've had this stamp set for ages and not got round to using it. I thought a bit of watercolour painting with it might be just the thing.

I kept it simple with just a single panel of watercolur paper, stitched to the card base for a touch of textural interest once it was painted.

The jug, flowers, leaves and grounding are all Distress ink and I used a couple of watercolour pencils for the blue background wash. This is a really easy way to do a watercolour - just stamp with Distress ink and spread the colour with a damp brush.

I added some clear Wink of Stella to the tops of the blooms and a few extra highlights with a white paint pen.

Sweet Havana by Mama Elephant
Sentiment from Big Day Today by Waltzingmouse Stamps (no longer in business but watch the Gina K site in case it's a set that comes back via that route at some point!)

Paper: Ranger Watercolor

Tim Holtz Distress ink by Ranger (Antqiue Linen, Vintage Photo, Pumice Stone, Seedless Perserves, Shabby Shutters, Peeled Paint)
Brilliance by Tsukineko (Pearlescent Chocolate)

Derwent watercolour pencils
Clear Wink of Stella pen
Posca white paint pen
Sewing machine and thread 

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. A lovely card, Joanne. I am sure your Mum was/will be well pleased with this.

  2. Oh, this is very very pretty Joanne. Love the watercolouring, it looks lovely

  3. very pretty and very effective


  4. Wow, love this, its really beautiful. Rachel

  5. Joanne, this is gorgeous, and I love this image and the brilliant way you've brought it to life. I wouldn't say your watercoloring skills are limited in any way. And I really love the stitching! Beautifully done, and I know your mum will love it! Hugs!


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