Friday 6 November 2015

Hugs for DCM

I'm delighted to be joining the Daring Card Makers as Guest Designer this month. There are so many challenges around now but DCM was at the start of it all in 2006 and is still going strong. I don't play as often as I used to but I still drop in every Friday morning to see what the new challenge will be.

The lovely Gez is setting this week's challenge and being the first week of the month it's an "elemental" one. The challenge is to incorporate at least three elements from the picture into your project.

I had a bit of a nightmare because my original idea (which involved coffee stirrers!) didn't work out but I clung to it rather doggedly and made a couple pf projects fit only for the bin. When I finally gave in to my natural impulse to use at least one stamp, I got something I'm happier with.

I managed four things from the picture: black chalkboard-type back wall, red heart shape, bright snippets of colour from the paint pots on the shelf and the blond wood flooring (although I'm not sure that the stamped woodgrain really shows up on the picture - the light for taking photographs was my second nightmare!).

Woodgrain by Darkroom Door
Sentiment from Say It Loud by Waltzingmouse Stamps

Cryogen White
Various DCWV white core

Tim Holtz Distress ink by Ranger - Antique Linen
Brilliance by Tsukineko - Graphite Black 

My Heart dies by Waltzingmouse Stamps
Corner Chomper

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Lovely to have you as our Guest Designer Joanne. You have created an absolutely beautiful, clean and classy card. The bright snippets bring everything together. LOVE it!

  2. Brilliant! I think it's especially hard when there are loads of things you want to use - definitely a "can't see the wood for the trees" thing happens most months for me. I think the way you pared it down is clever and subtle and makes a fantastic end result.
    It's fab to have you with us on the team, still not sure why it took so long to arrange it!

  3. That's a beautiful card, Joanne. I can definitely see the woodgrain pattern! =) Good to have you on the team


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