Tuesday 23 June 2015

Camper van!

We had a camper van when I was a kid - not quite like this one (ours wasn't old enough to have the split screen) but near enough for this stamp to bring back some memories of family holidays in Devon/Cornwall and Scotland. I thought that might make it a good choice for a father's day card for my dad.

I went for clean and simple with just the stamped image (coloured blue since that was the colour of our van) and some stenciled chevrons.

I added just a touch of textural interest by using Grunge Paste through the stencil and then colouring over the raised bits with Copics once dry and cutting out the body of the van and raising it a tiny bit on some gel glue over the same image stamped on the card base. I added a tiny bit of doodled detail on the coloured chevrons, too.

VW Bus by Deep Red Stamps
Father's Day Centers by CHF (retired)

Brilliance Graphite Black by Tsukineko

Hearts and Arrows stencil by The Crafter's Workshop
Grunge Paste by PaperArtsy
Copic markers
Fineline marker
Pinflair Glue Gel
Corner Chomper

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I should think your Dad would be well pleased with that to remind him of the holidays you had when younger. A lovely card.

  2. A great male card with a fab colour scheme. We had friends with the green and white versions of these and it brought back memories of the day trips we used to take (the Isle of Wight, Longleat) happy times!

  3. Gorgeous card Joanne, I expect he was very pleased with this xxx

  4. Fabulous card Joanne. I LOVE the splash of orange, almost like go faster stripes! And what a stamp ♥♥

  5. Great card, love that orange, it really brings it all together and makes it "pop"


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