Thursday 16 October 2014

You're fabulous!

I had fun playing with the current mixed media challenge at Splitcoast Stampers - a different style and I'm not eniely convinced about the finished product but I enjoyed playing anyway!

Lydia's "Pin up" theme challenged us to find a magazine image, cut it out and coat it in something like Mod Podge to make a mask. Mine came from an advert for a clothing catalogue that was a loose insert in the Radio Times!

I spritzed, stamped and sponged through dry wall tape with the mask in place. Then I added a bit of very pale Pan Pastel to tone down the bright white of the silhouette. I added a charcoal pencil outline and then scribbled right across, one side to the other with a paper stump to give that "whoosh" to the image.
Those stars made this almost impossible to photograph! They're glittery in the middle and coated in Glossy Accents so all the different reflection going on there made it tricky.

I used the bubble border stamp just to get a line to cut along for the wavy edge - I could have done it freehand but I toyed with the idea of having some of the stamped border before deciding I prefered the idea of a dramatic black strip along the edge.

This is a larger format card (5" x 7") - I found it surprisingly difficult to find an image that works as a silhouette at a smaller size!

Numbers border by Kaisercraft
Essential Messages by Hero Arts
Bubble Border by Lost Coast

black and white

Brilliance Graphite Black
Adirondack Raspberry
Dylusions spray ink Funky Fucsia

Charcoal pencil
Pan Pastel Magenta Tint
Dry wall tape
Hot pink glitter
Glossy Accents
Corner Chomper

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. You're right it's not your usual style, but you've done it brilliantly! xxx

  2. I like the pink & black colour combo. It's good to get out of your comfort zone sometimes and you have made a success of it.

  3. I love it, you have made a fabulous job of this. Love the pink and black combination.

  4. WoW! Fabulous Joanne! Great combination of elements :))


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