Friday 13 June 2014

Dad - look away now!

I don't usually blog ahead of sending projects where they're going but I'll be too late to join in the current Pan Pastels challenge (One for the boys) if I don't get this blogged so Dad, if you're reading, look away now if you'd rather not see your Father's day card before you open the envelope!

I've just treated myself to a few masks from Caroline's revamped Bubbly Funk shop (bargains to be had as well on older stock as she clears out to make way for new things!). I used the Crafter's Workshop 6x6 Wood Grain here, spreading modelling paste through it with an old credit card.

Once the paste dried, I painted over with gesso using a coarse brush to add some extra texture in the more open areas. I then used Burnt Sienna Shade Pan Pastel to colour the panel.

I really must get a new Father's day sentiment stamp - this is the only one I have and I'm sure Dad will notice eventually! I just stamped it on a simple banner finished with some copper brads and added a single die cut to leave the wood grain as the star of the show as I loved the way it turned out. I did colour the die cut leaf with two shades of green Copic marker, just to give it a bit extra depth.

Here's a more detailed shot of how it turned out adding some gesso for that bit extra texture - I think it works well with the woodgrain!

Stamps: Sentiment from Father's Day Centers (Cornish Heritage Farms, retired)

Ink: Brilliance Pearlescent Chocolate by Tsukineko

Paper: kraft, laid texture, scrap of DCWV blue

Pan Pastel - Burnt Sienna Shade
Spectrafix Degas fixative
Maimeri Light Modelling Paste
Copic markers
Crafter's Workshop 6x6 mask - Wood Grain
Leaves dies by Impression Obsession
Corner Chomper

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Fab card - lovely wood effect you've created with the mask/pan pastels.
    If your Dad is anything like mine, he'll never notice you've used the same sentiment more than once!

  2. That's just gorgeous Joanne. I love how you've shaded the woody background xxx

  3. What a lovely card! The woodgrain and leaf go so well together - perfect!

  4. A great card. I love the wood grain effect.

  5. This is JUST LOVELY...every bit of it! Did you use different sizes of cutters on your corners? Looks great.

  6. Hi Janelle, thanks for your comment! Yes, I have both sizes of Corner Chomper and it makes me happier than it has any right to do to be able to "nest" corners like this!

  7. A lovely card Joanne that I bet your dad will love. I wish I had a dad to make a card for :( Love the woodgrain background and it is a beautiful colour xx

  8. Lovely card Joanne and love the effect you've created with the stencil x

  9. Gorgeous card, that woodgrain effect is amazing. Thanks so much for joining us at PanPastel UK
    Claire xx


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