Friday 14 March 2014

Another mono printing adventure!

While thinking about mono printing for the current Craft Stamper challenge, I had an idea that might get me round my patterned paper problem - what happens if I incorporate a focal point on the print itself by using masks, I wondered?

This is what happened. I didn't get my masks quite right and ended up adding the small heart as a separate layer cut from another print but it basically worked!

I brayered red paint onto the acrylic block and pressed a background stamp into it then lifted a print. Then I did a layer of burnt umber and burnt sienna textured with plastic canvas and placed my two heart masks on there before pulling the print (I used acetate to cut my masks as it's a bit easier to handle than damp paper!).

Here's where I slipped up - for the final layer (which is white with a smidge of gold, textured with a very open weave, cheesecloth type fabric) I wanted to subdue the background heart by overprinting and leave the foreground one more vivid but I used the wrong mask so the big heart overlapped the small one! To rescue it, I did a second print with the the red paint and stamp (no layering this time) and die cut the smaller heart from that.

The flourish in the corners is stamped with gold ink and shows up differently at different angles (which makes it hard to photograph, sorry!). It's finished with a stamped and heat embossed sentiment, charcoal pencil drop shadows for both hearts and the small heart stuck down with some Pinflair glue gel for a little height.

There's still time to play along in the Craft Stamper challenge to use your acrylic block for some mono printing - you'll find all the details here and we'd love to see you!

Leaves #3 background stamp and sentiment (CHF, retired)
Vintage Flourish (Indigo Blu)

Delicata Golden Glitz by Tsukineko, Versamark

Titanium white, true red, burnt umber, burnt sienna Americana acrylic paints by DecoArt
Dazzling Gold acrylic paint by DecoArt
Charcoal pencil
Detail black embossing powder
Sizzix primitive hearts die
Pinflair glue gel


  1. This is such a striking card - the 2 predominant colours balance each other nicely and there is loads of texture from the various materials you have used.

  2. Fabulous. The background is so striking. A very dramatic card.

  3. Gorgeous, I could happily live with that on my wall. Elizabeth x

  4. Very sophisticated! I love the hearts.

  5. Beautiful and love the words!!
    Have a great weekend.
    Big hugs
    Tracy xxx

  6. A wonderful card with lots of colour and texture. Love those hearts!
    Lynn x

  7. Fantastic! You got so much richness from a rigid surface - inspiring!


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