Thursday 6 February 2014

Bright birthday

The weather is so awful here in the UK at the moment that I thought a bit of brightness might be in order in the craft room! I've just treated myself to a few new colours of Pan Pastels too so I chose the Bright Yellow Green and made a cheerful birthday card for my stash.

The  Pan Pastels blog has another "anything goes" challenge with the option to join in with the DT in using a stencil (details here).  I've actually used a mask but the terms seem to be somewhat interchangeable these days so I'm going to count it as playing along with the theme!

I loved how easy it was to feather out the edge of the pastel - quicker and easier than ink and sponge!

The pretty flowers are really quick and easy to do - they're a two step stamp and as they're clear, it's really easy to line up the various layers. I fussy cut by hand but Claire does have cut files available for this set if you have an electronic cutter and prefer to leave the scissors in the drawer!

The sequins are irridescent white and at certain angles they're almost exactly the same pink as the flowers!

Stamps (all Waltzingmouse Stamps)
Two Step Sprig
Leaf from Funky Flowers
Say It Loud

Paper: smooth white

Adirondack by Ranger (Raspberry and Cranberry)
Brilliance by Tsukineko (Graphite Black)

Pan Pastel (Bright Yellow Green)
Timeworks mask by Tim Holtz
8mm and 5mm sequins
Corner Chomper

Thanks for stopping by - hope you're staying safe and dry if you're dealing with extreme weather!


  1. Loving that pop of pink.... And the touch of bling.

  2. This is so effective. lovely card.

  3. Beautiful and bright Joanne, just what we need at the moment xxx

  4. The pink and neon yellow complement each other beautifully. The weather is rubbish at the moment isn't it but at least I haven't had it as bad as the people further south.

  5. Such a pretty card! Love the vibrant background and those beautiful blossoms! Thanks for the inspiration!

  6. Lovely bright card Joanne, just what we need at the moment!

  7. I am really liking that yellow and bright pink together Joanne! Oh hold don't normally go for pink hahaha!!!! But it really pops m'dear xxx

  8. A beautiful card that is cheerful for these awful days. Love the yellow green of the Pan Pastels and that really zings it all up.
    Lynn x

  9. Beautiful colours together - so attractive and beautifully crafted - a delight, Joanne x

  10. This is beautiful! Those flowers just pop against that clock face, wonderful inking and mix of stamps.


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