Sunday 1 December 2013


I made some notecard sets for last week's sale at the new village hall...

There are six cards in each pack (two fish, two seahorse and two scallop shell) with a variety of sentiments on the front so they'd make a good selection for people to dip in to whenever the need arose. I thought they'd make nice little gifts and indeed, a lady who who was about to pay for one set then said "Oooh, I'll have two more sets I think, they'd make lovely gifts" without any prompting from me!

These are simply stamped with just a hint of Copic colouring on the images (very pale and very light-handed so there's no bleed-through on the single layer cards). I die cut a square in a piece of acetate to use as a mask and sponged on the ink for a block of colour. Acetate's great for this as it means you can see exactly where you're positioning the mask's aperture in relation to the image and the edges of the card.

I sold enough stuff that I was able to put just over £40 (my profits) into the village hall fund which was good. The fair seemed busy most of the day, with Santa's grotto doing a particularly brisk trade!

Under the Sea by Darkroom Door (fish and seahorse)
Antique Engravings by Hero Arts (scallop shell)
Say It All by Hero Arts (mixed sentiments)

Paper: Smooth white

Pearlescent Chocolate Brilliance by Tsukineko
Blue-toned dye inks (Distess Salty Ocean, Adirondack Stonewashed and Pool if I remember rightly)

Copic markers (Eggshell and Cool Grey 1)
Cello bags and sheer ribbon for packaging


  1. These are lovely Joanne. I bet you had no trouble at all selling them.

  2. No wonder they sold so well - they are gorgeous! I'd be interested to know how you priced them. Buyers at craft fayres I've sold at always seem to expect to buy cards mega-cheap because they are 'only handmade'. Jo x

  3. These are beautiful and classy, Joanne, as usual. Well done on selling so much, but I'm not surprised xxx

  4. These are lovely Joanne - I'm not surprised you sold a lot of them! I think I have that stamp set - I must dig it out again, thanks for the reminder!

  5. Well done on donating your £40 profit Joanne xxx

  6. I can see why they all sold - they are beautiful and practical and quite different from the usual notecards you see for sale.

  7. lovely sets of cards....well done on the sales x

  8. Beautiful notecard sets and great news on the sales and how much you were able to donate - well done you :)
    Lynn xx

  9. No wonder you sold these Joanne! They are gorgeous. I am so pleased that you did so well xxx

  10. what a lovely bright happy card

  11. What a good feeling, to be able to help others with your profits from the sale. And they are really lovely cards! Thanks for sharing,

  12. simple but very clean looking and pretty cards. lovely.

  13. Congratulations Joanne - if I lived nearer I would have snapped up loads for Christmas presents - they are stunning.

  14. I'm sure the people that bought these, are very happy with it!


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