Thursday 2 May 2013

She sells sea shells...

It's my 15th wedding anniversary today. It's only just occured to me that I could have looked at the gifts associated with it for inspiration for DH's card. It seems to be crystal (not easy for a masculine card) or, if you're modern and American, watches! I guess I could have done something with that but the thought came after the card was made - never mind!

I went clean and simple with these lovely detailed shell images. I stamped them on kraft card so they have a different look than if they'd been stamped on white. Even when you colour with an opaque medium like pencils the base colour does make a difference, I find.

A bit of torn kraftcore provides a splash of colour and I've sanded the torn edges for a more natural feel - reminiscent of weather-worn paint on beach houses, perhaps. I used scraps of cardstock to raise a couple of the shells just very slightly from the card as I stuck them down. A simple stamped sentiment and one rounded corner finish it off.

Antique Engravings by Hero Arts
Sentiment from Script Essential Expressions (Cornish Heritage Farms)

Smooth white
Tim Holtz Kraft Core

Espresso Adirondack by Ranger
Vintage Sepia Versafine by Tsukineko

Prismacolor and Lyra pencils
Corner Chomper

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Love the clean but grungy look ;) Perfect for a masculine card
    xoxo Sioux

  2. P.S. Happy anniversary ;)

  3. Happy Anniversary to you both!

    I love this card, it all blends together so well xx

  4. Happy Anniversary to you and Mr. Angelnorth - super card.

  5. Congratulations! What a perfect card. Bet he loved it,

    Lucy x

  6. Gorgeous, love the simpleness

    Sam xx

  7. Happy Anniversary to you both. I love the card.

  8. It's a fabulous card (love the stamping on kraft). Happy Anniversary!

  9. Lovely card... I like the rounded corner detail...

  10. A belated Happy Anniversary to you both. This is a beautiful CAS card. I like the idea of stamping the shells on kraft card it definitely gives them a more weather-worn look.

  11. A very belated Happy Anniversary. Love the card and the shells stamped on kraft card. I have that stamp set and use it lots :)
    Lynn xx

  12. Lovely CAS card with a masculine feel. Thanks for sharing

  13. This is so lovely yet so masculine. Thanks for the tip to use kraft more often.


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