Wednesday 29 August 2012

Bubbly Funk postcard swap

My long-time favourite crafty forum is Bubbly Funk - great bunch of crafters and a lovely community feeling. We're having a postcard swap and I set the theme. I used the forum's header for inspiration and gave people the choice between:
  1. Use any combination of butterflies, lace, bubbles and music
  2. Use at least three from light green, pink, grey, black and ivory

I combined the two using all except ivory in the colour scheme and everything except lace for the images. I floated bubbles up out of the stamped border by using the cap off one of my Copics and a tiny rubber washer pressed into the Bundled Sage ink pad. I added some shading to a few bubbles with Copics and some Stickles to a few for sparkle.

The focal butterfly is coloured with three shades of pink Copic and the rest are grey. Aged sheet music stamped tone-on-tone adds some background interest (I masked the big butterfly but not the others and aimed for a hit-and-miss coverage with the stamp for a slightly shabby look).

Wings set (Darkroom Door)
Bubble Border (Lost Coast Designs)
Aged Sheet Music Scrapblock (Cornish Heritage Farms, retired)

Cryogen white

Brilliance by Tsukineko (Graphite Black)
Tim Holtz Distress ink by Ranger (Bundled Sage)

Copic markers
Stickles (Frosted Lace)

I'm sending to Wendy, hope she likes it!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Love that green background... Contrasts beautifully with the butterflies.

  2. Absolutely gorgeous - love the way you incorporated and combined so much of the theme x

  3. Absolutely gorgeous Joanne xxx

  4. Stunning Joanne - now why didn't I think to do that on mine? I tell you why . . . I'm not as clever as you hahaha.

    Beautiful colouring with those Copics. :)

  5. Such a pretty postcard and I love your ingenious diy bubbles.

  6. Bubbles and music and butterflies......such an unlikely combination works. Who woulda thunk it?

    There's so much happening, yet it doesn't look at all cluttered

    You make it look like a dreamy piece of art. Just gorgeous!


  7. Love it!The background's brilliant and the butterflies look great.

  8. like the bubbles on the card very dimensional lovely butterfly colours

  9. Absolutely beautiful!

    Lucy x

  10. Gorgeous postcard Joanne and it all works so well together.
    Lynn x

  11. This is gorgeous too Joanne x

  12. The idea of stamping with the Copic cap and rubber washer is genial


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