Monday 16 January 2012

Winter's butterflies

It's challenge time at Tando Creative - our theme this month is "Ice White" and there's a photo for inspiration. You can check it out here if you'd like to play along and be in with a chance of a lovely prize in a random draw of all players.

I used an ATC base - the chipboard is perfect for this as you need a thick layer of gesso and a lighter weight base tends to buckle with the moisture and weight of it. Once I had a thick layer of gesso, I spritzed my stamps with water to help them release and stamped to leave textured impressions. I left if overnight to dry and then added a couple of extra snowflakes heat embossed with white powder so that there are both debossed and raised snowflake impressions.

I took inspiration from the silver pot in the picture and used silver for the sentiment. I didn't have an appropriate stamp so to get the words I wanted, I printed on an inkjet printer and quickly covered with detail embossing powder.

Glass glitter around the edges and a white rose finish it off.

Grunge Flakes (Tim Holtz/Stampers Anonymous)

Chipboard ATC (Tando Creative)
Cryogen White (for sentiment strip)

Versamark ink
Detail white embossing powder
Detail silver embossing powder
Inkjet printer
Deko Ice Glitter by Efco (Crystal)
Rose (Wild Orchid Crafts)

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. wow love the effect...I wonder if a wooden box or a photo frame would look as good done this same way.

  2. Beautiful creation, love the clean colours and great textures.

  3. thats really pretty joanne ;)

  4. Lovely. A very calming piece of work.

  5. Brilliant Joanne, I love both the textures you've used xx

  6. This is beautiful Joanne xxx

  7. Lovely Joanne - delicate but with texture interest :-)

  8. I particularly like the texture that you've obtained with the snowflakes. Thank you also for explaining your techniques so clearly.

  9. Beautiful Joanne! Great technique :)

  10. This is fabulous Joanne, so beautiful xx

  11. That glass glitter is really sparkly and I love the debossed and raised snowflakes too.


  12. My word this is stunning. At first glance I thought it was beautiful lace! But it's even more beautiful to see and now know that it is very clever stamping. Amazing

  13. I love the idea that snowflakes are winter butterflies! The card is just lovely!


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