Tuesday 10 January 2012

New Year Numbers

Happy New Year everyone!

A new year means a new monthly theme for the postcard swap on UK Stampers. I missed the last couple of 2011 so I was pleased to get time to make something for the first swap of this year where our theme is numbers.

I chose to make the numbers a focal point and focus on the year since it's just starting. I'm a bit of a font geek and I absolutely adore the style of these - the maker actually found a box of old stamps at a flea market labelled "Grocery Sign Marking Kit" and used the impressions, including imperfections, to make new stamps.

Extra numbers feature on the tape measure and Roman numerals of the clock face.

I heat emboss the numbers and then coloured the card with Distress Stain and overstamped the tape measure with dye ink so the embossing resisted it. I sponged over the clock mask and then added the lady using Versafine so that I could bleach the face area. Happy accident was that the bleached stain took on a pinkish tone. A slightly less hapy accident was a streak of stray bleach. Keeping the "embellishment opportunity" philosophy in mind, I stamped some crackle texture to camouflage it! Finally, I used metallic pencils to add a bit of silver and purple to the image.

A&P Numbers (Ma Vinci's Reliquary)
Tape measure from Hardware set (Crafty Secrets)
Retro Women Set 2 (Tanda Stamps)
Crackleglaze background (Indigo Blu)

Ivory mountboard

Versamark by Tsukineko
Tim Holtz Distress ink by Ranger (Weathered Wood, Black Soot)
Tim Holtz Distress Stain by Ranger (Weathered Wood)
Versafine by Tsukineko (Onyx Black)

Detail white embossing powder
Timeworks mask (Tim Holtz Alterations)
Ferby Metallic pencils by Lyra

Thanks for stopping by - hope your numbers are all lucky this year!


  1. I love the crackle effect... Accident or not it looks fab, great postcard.

  2. Fab postcard. I wouldn't know where to start!!!!!

  3. This is an excellent piece of work. I don't know how you could bear to part with it! I would be framing it to hang on the wall.

  4. Happy New Year to you too!
    Love the PC...keeping my fingers X I might get a chance to nab this one.

  5. Love that font and the background and she is so 20s - really great pc

  6. Joanne yes that is a great font! Love the postcard. :)

  7. Lovely postcard - very chic :-) I'd love to be your swapee :-)

  8. One of my fav stamps - love what you did with it x


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