Thursday 26 May 2011


Tando Creative have just introduced a new product - masks. As soon as I handled one of them I thought "Ooooh, I bet this is thick enough to make an embossed impression" and I was right! Of course they work beautifully for their intended purpose as masks but I do love finding ways to put my stash to work for multiple purposes so I was pleased with the way this worked out.

I laid some white core card on top of the Random Circles mask and ran it through the Big Shot with an embossing mat. (So for the "sandwich" that was mask laid on the first clear plate, card on top face up, embossing mat and second clear plate on top of that.)

A light sanding to expose the white core and the addition of some stamped circles, brads and a wide chocolate brown mat and I had a quick masculine birthday card.

Random Circles mask by Tando Creative (Tando stockists listed here)
Ornamental Beauty stamp set (CHF, retired)
Sentiment from a HOTP set
Adirondack ink by Ranger (Espresso)
DCWV white core card
Cryogen white card
Bitter chocolate card
Fiskars squeeze punch (large circle)
Small circle punch
Large brads

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Brillinat results and love the way you've utilised the mask.

    Sam xxx

  2. They do emboss well don't they love these circles in core card great combination. XOXO Zoe

  3. Looks brilliant! Great idea! x

  4. gorgeous, will have to look out for them

  5. Great card. What a clever idea :)

  6. Simple but so effective, I love those large brads.
    Sue x

  7. what a great effect J...brill idea xx

  8. I bought this mask Joanne and I shall have a go at this technique thanks for blogging about it.


  9. What a great idea! I'll have to go and see what these are all about :)

  10. Gorgeous Joanne, and interesting to know they emboss well too!

  11. well done, great idea! I like to find other uses for my stash but am sometimes reluctant in case I damage the original. I will try this one.

  12. Great way to use a mask, love it, very effective. Tracy x

  13. What a great idea - and a fabulous card - mens cards are just the hardest I find, but you've done a great job.

  14. I'm becoming more and more convinced that I need some of those masks - what a fab effect you've created x


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