Monday 25 April 2011

New nest!

I needed a quick new home card last week - this is what I came up with. The kraft card base came from a huge rigid envelope that was supplied with the calendar we got for our kitchen this year. Obviously we weren't sending it anywhere so I chopped up the envelope for crafting :o) I love coloured pencils on kraft cardstock and I thought it would give a nice look to the eggs in this nest - a quick and simple card, appropriate for a spring move of house! It's a small one layer card (10.5cm square) with just a touch more interest added by embossing a frame for the image with a Nestie. Stamps: Nest and sentiment both CHF (retired) Paper: Kraft Ink: Adirondack by Ranger (Espresso) Other: Prismacolor pencils Nestabilites by Spellbinder (Large Square) Thanks for stopping by, hope you're all having a lovely Easter weekend!


  1. very stylish and the colour makes a striking centerpiece

  2. Nice bit of recycling there and a very subtle but beautiful card.

  3. This is fabulous, that image fits in so well with your kraft cardstock - lovely xxxx

  4. This is gorgeous! That kraft card is a yummy colour, Jo x PS I've got a candy giveaway running until Thursday so why not drop by!

  5. That's one very classy card!

  6. Very nice indeed, understated but gorgeous. Love the blue eggs

  7. a wonderful piece of recycling - love the look of kraft card.

  8. Such a classy card Joanne, you can't beat a bit of recycling! xxx

  9. That card is gorgeous really love the embossed frame. Its amazing what quality kraftcard you can get off packaging isn't it...xx

  10. Great use of the kraft envie - love the subtle colouring - great card for a spring move x

  11. This turned out so beautifully, Joanne. The soft blues are just perfect on the Kraft base

  12. Love the pale blue with the natural looking card and the embossed frame is just enough decoration.
    Sue x

  13. Gorgeous 'natural'card !!

  14. ooo I do like the pencil on the Kraft card looks so soft & beautiful! Such a lovely idea for a new home card too xxx

  15. Wonderful card, Joanne. The kraft card complements the nest theme perfectly.

  16. Brilliant idea to use an envelope. Love the colour of the blue eggs. Great stamp for a new home card!


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