Thursday 10 March 2011

Swallow song - Less is More #5

I learned something about myself this week - I really, really don't work well with pastel colours! This week's Less is More challenge is a colour one, being the first week of the month and we've been asked to use pastels.

I lost count of how many projects were consigned to the circular file* before I finally made something I felt I could show anybody else! Deciding to go for a healthy dollop of black mixed in with the pastels was the only way I could remedy the situation.

I used chalk in blue, pink and mauve to make a softly dawning sky on some white card and then stamped my birds and sentiment over the top. I added just a touch of grey marker to the birds' breast feathers.

Unbelievably I'm out of black card so the mat here is white card with a black marker run round the edge. I popped the panel up on a bit of foam tape, just to add a little depth.

I don't think I've ever used this sentiment from the set before and I confess that the proofreader part of me struggled with it as it contains something I often correct in other people's work! It's something that is passing into more and more common usage though so I suspect I'm fighting a losing battle. (For those of you of a less nitpicky disposition: there's a plural word being used as a singular - "a child" is singular and therefore it can only be "he has forgotten" or "she has forgotten". We'd have to be talking about the plural "children" for "they have forgotten" to be correct. The use of "they" is an attempt to make it gender-neutral but grammatically it's just wrong!) In the end, I allowed the lure of using a song-based sentiment with a bird image to win out over grammatical squeamishness!

Tree swallow silhouette and sentiment from Mother's Day Centers (both Cornish Heritage Farms, retired)

Smooth white

Versafine by Tsukineko (Onyx Black)

Chalks by Pebbles Inc
Black and C1 markers by Copic
Foam tape
Spray sealant by Windsor and Newton

Thanks for stopping by!

* for those who have never come across the expression, "consigned to the circular file" means it hit the waste bin/trash can


  1. I love the thought behind the sentiment you have used... but I'm with you on the grammar! I think I must be a grumpy old woman as lots of common mistakes irritate me!
    You card is beautiful and no-one would have ever guessed there had been a struggle over its production.Thanks so much for joining us and we hope to see you again next time!
    "Less is More"

  2. I feel your pain for using pastel colours.....but youve created something wonderful (you always do though!) love the colour and especially the sentiment with the stamp.

  3. A very pretty card and I'm glad you struggled on to share it with us

  4. I'm with you on the grammar front, but it doesn't help with all this texting, we'll see that on stamps soon I'm sure!!! Love how you've used the chalks, lovely background xxxxx

  5. Beautiful card and a lovely sentiment xx

  6. Love your card. That's a sentiment I would struggle to use too! and yet it so fits with the image


  7. Hi again
    Your card is stunning!
    Isn't it a shame they did that with the apostrophe. Even I know that's wrong!! lol
    Looks fabulous nonetheless
    Thank you for entering
    Great to see you as always
    "Less is More"

  8. I love that birdie stamp...

  9. it's a lovely card - sometimes we need a contrast in our work

  10. beautiful card, love the background you have made. With you on the grammar (hope I have spelt that right lol)

  11. What a beautiful sky you have created with chalks.
    Sue x

  12. Such a great sentiment and the chalk sky works really well. Lovely card.
    Lesley x

  13. ooo ouch!!! That grammar sticks right out doesn't it Joanne? I would have to discard that stamp I am afraid! But you have made one beautiful card there my lovely xxx

  14. ps I'm a bit nit picky about "fulls" eg spoon fulls! instead of spoons full... it's even printed in cook books on instructiond etc.

  15. A truly lovely card, Joanne! And I'm with you on the "they" - that one is in constant use; when I hear it I ask: who are THEY?

  16. Twit is back LOL
    bowing to your superior knowledge
    Why i try to pretend I know something I should't bother!! lol

    Thanks for explaining

  17. LOVE what you've done with the chalks. It really makes a beautiful background and the bird stamped in black is perfect. I totally understand your issue with the grammar used on the stamp!

  18. Stunning card. I understand the irritation with the grammar but it`s still a lovely sentiment.
    Lynne xxx

  19. Once again you have produced a beautiful card from a difficult challenge. Your sky is lovely. I agree that pastels are hard! A little pastel here and there is fine but a whole card?? I also cast aside several before completing one which was satisfactory.

  20. Lovely card. What a good idea with the marker to create your own black card. x

  21. Look what happens when you get outside your comfort zone - the card is just stunning! The black and grey of the birds neutralises the pastels and it works so well

    I worked as a sub editor for years so I'm with you on the sentiment!

  22. haha I didn't "spotted" that grammar error Joanne hahaha

    Great card and love the pastel background no matter what the sentiment says. x


  23. Another beautiful well balanced card :-)

    I'm with you on the grammar issues :-)

  24. Wow... this card is really beautiful! The sky is gorgeous! And the sentiment is nice altough there is a grammar gap.

    Have a nice day!

  25. Well, I think it's lovely. Have had a chuckle about your proof reading nitpick! I've seen the quote as "A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart...." which nicely gets round the gender/plural problem I think!

  26. I agree with you completely over the grammar, it would bug me too. But your card is still lovely. I'm right back in your archives and love your CAS card style :-)


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