Friday 25 February 2011

Pound Shop Pretties

It's Daring Cardmakers day again and today's dare is asking us to use Pound Shop (or dollar store) finds. I hope I'll be forgiven for using Pound Shop stuff that was already in the house rather than making a trip for the dare!

I needed a thank you card and this is what happened - several Pound Shop elements going on here and hardly any stamping - unusual for me!

The card base itself is Pound Shop - my local one has packs of rigid "envelopes" that are perfect as sturdy card bases if you chop them up and nobody would ever know it wasn't sold as kraft cardstock.

The pearls came from The Works and if I remember rightly were a pound per sheet - there were the two sizes of round pearls, pointed ovals and a couple of shapes made out of tiny pearls (hearts and stars - I'm unlikley to use those but the sheet was cheap enough not to worry about it)

Quite a while ago I bought a black scrapbook (again, my local Pound Shop) thinking that black paper is always useful. However, I then discovered that the paper quality is absolutely rubbish so I tucked it away as something to find a use for later!

To make the leathery panel with it here, I scrunched it up and generally abused it until it had a nice surface texture and the fibres had broken down well. Then I spritzed it with a couple of Glimmer Mists and some walnut ink and let it dry. I used a piece of tape sheet (another Pound Shop buy!) to stick it to some cardstock for stability and then whip stitched the panel to the card base.

Stamps: My Type alpha stamps (Ma Vinci's Reliquary)

Kraft (rigid envelope, chopped up)
Black (kind of sugar paper texture)

Tim Holtz Distress ink by Ranger (Walnut Stain and Vintage Photo)

Pearls (The Works)
Paper flowers
Tim Holtz Alterations die (Elegant Flourishes)
Corner Chomper by We R Memory Keepers
Glimmer mist by Tatered Angels (Copper and Antique Brass)
Walnut ink
White embossing powder
Sequin waste
Rub n Buff by amaco (Gold Leaf)

Thanks for stopping by, have a lovely weekend!


  1. Super card and I just love what you did with the black card!

  2. wow very creative and the use of the envelope for card base.

  3. wow wow wow love what you have done with the rubbishy black paper.
    Ann xxx

  4. Fab stuff... just gotta love the pound shop!

  5. love what you did with that black paper - it has a fabulous texture. And nice idea with the rigid envelopes, I must look out for some of them.

  6. ooh you must be the pound shop queen with all that stuff just happening to be in the house lol! Love your card, no one would know it contained all those bargain bits.

  7. What a fabulous card - love how you've created the card base and the scrunched paper is lush! Thanks for joining in with Daring Cardmakers.

    Lynda xxx

  8. Lovely card,
    thanks for playing!

  9. You've certainly made good use of your pound shop buys - particularly the way you've transformed the black card. x

  10. beautiful card, well done on the challenge

  11. All the elements work together so well and the stitching just brings it all together - Lovely.

  12. This is fabulous Joanne, what a bargain all round!! xx

  13. Such a gorgeous card, I love the recycled card base and the black paper is lush! thank you for sharing it with

    Daring Cardmakers

    jo x

  14. Fab card, brilliant use of your pound shop buys Joanne! x

  15. Wow.....what a great card!!! Thanks for joining in with my challenge at DCM x

  16. Lovely card can feel a trip to Pound Shop coming on

  17. Lovely card can feel a trip to Pound Shop coming on

  18. What an amazing card. Love the treated black paper idea! Thanks for being a Poundshop princess with Daring Cardmakers this week :)

  19. Beautiful. You turned "rubbish" or as we here in the USA say, crap, into a wonderful piece of art.

  20. What a great result from you bargain buys, Joanne! Thanks for taking part in The Daring Cardmakers Poundshop challenge


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