Friday 15 October 2010


Tando Creative has some wee chipboard shapes that are perfect for using to decorate the advent calendar they have but also cute for other things! I used the tiny snowflakes (approx 30mm cross each flake) to make these little hanging ornaments. The chipboard is sturdy enough to handle easily and give them a little weight but still looks really delicate with the detailed design.

I simply painted the flakes with gesso and then added a clear dewdrop in the centre and tiny gems around the points of each flake. I decorated both sides (clear gems on one side, pale blue on the other) so they can be used on a display that can be seen from all sides.

The hanging threads (simply glued on with a dab of Glossy Accents) come out of a point on some flakes and the centre of others so they'll hang at different
angles. I think they'll look really pretty hanging from a bare twig come Christmas time.

Here's a closer look at one:

Christmas minis (Tando Creative - see here for Tando stockists)
Clear Dew Drops
Acrylic nail gems
Glossy Accents (as adhesive)
Silver thread

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Looking gorgeous :)
    Thanks for your blog comment.. I had the help of my super duper awesome talented DD to hold my hand :)
    Have a great weekend.xx

  2. Oooh how fab are these - love em xxx

  3. Great snowflakes, I love them.
    xxx Hazel.

  4. Beautiful snowflakes, Joanne! Love what you did with them!

    Hope you're having a wonderful day, my friend...


  5. Beautiful Christmas decs Joanne! x

  6. These are really sweet, what a great idea! Jo x

  7. Cute and very effective Joanne. Lovely to hang in the window too.


  8. Very cool looking and easy to make...


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