Monday 16 August 2010

Bauble inspiration

Over on the Bubbly Funk forum some of us are taking part in a "25th Club" where the aim is to make a certain number of Christmas cards by the 25th of each month. I've been rubbish at fulfilling my quota so far but as I set the challenge theme this month I thought I'd best get my finger out and actually make something!

I set an inspiration challenge using this photo which I found online in this blog post (other pretty photos there too!).

If you haven't played with inspiration challenges before, the idea is to take any aspect of the photo and create something inspired by it - you don't need to recreate what you see, just use something like the shapes, colours, composition or whatever takes your fancy.

Here's the first of mine, I have another one to share later in the week.

For this one I took my inspiration from the gold and copper tones, the snowflake on the wall, the textural effect of the grouped baubles and the contrast of the tiny bit of black from the handrail.

I inked up my embossing folder with Brilliance ink, embossed some gold cardstock and then sprinkled copper embossing powder over the whole thing. Dry embossing in a plastic folder can tend to make the raised parts of the design a bit staticy so you need to give the whole thing a really good firm tap to get rid of the EP on those areas and use a paintbrush if necessary to get rid of any stray bits.

Christmas Expressions (Mona Lisa Moments line from Cornish Heritage Farms)

Brilliance by Tsukineko (Coffee Bean)

Cryogen White
Gold metallic

Cuttlebug embossing folder (Victoria)
Detail embossing powder (copper)
Snowflake Wonder dies by Spellbinder
Bead chain (cheapo Christmas decoration stuff)
Amber gem (still using my Secret Santa supply from Caroline!)

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. wow, this looks wonderful Joanne, really effective and attention-grabbing

  2. I don't even want to think about the 'C' word...... lovely card though!

  3. What a gorgeous card Joanne....fabulous xx

  4. This is just stunning Joanne xx

  5. Beautiful Joanne...x
    I don't emboss half as much as I should - I do love the effect but forget to use it!

  6. Gorgeous Joanne, a brilliant interpretation X

  7. I love this, very stylish x

  8. Fantastic card, very effective !!

  9. Such an eye-catching, elegant card, Joanne! I especially like how you made the embossing the focal point.

  10. This is a gorgeous card Joanne, love it. Annette x

  11. WOW what a gorgeous card! Such a great job with the inspiration!

  12. Beautiful & stylish! Love it!

  13. Crisp & classy card Joanne. I think you've captured the prompt perfectly.xx

  14. Oooh, this is beautiful and elegant. What a good idea,

    Lucy x


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