Wednesday 26 May 2010

Haute Couture

I was determined to play along at least once over at Something Completely Different during their birthday month. The theme this week is Paris and we're revisiting the very first "thing to make" so we're doing twinchies.

When I think of Paris, I think of all sorts of things, one of them being fashion! I pulled out the "Haute Couture" set and went for a sort of vintage, sepia kind of look and a collage stamped approach with some masking and some stamping off to vary the colour intensity.

Caroline over at Bubbly Funk has just started stocking the "All Things Considered" line of stamps that includes this set and lots of others by Cornish Heritage Farms too - I couldn't be more thrilled to see two of my favourite places hooked up! Most of the stock is not available elsewhere in the UK. You can see the range {here} if you're interested.

I quite like things like inchies, twinchies and ATCs to be pretty flat and light so I kept this one to stamps, paper and colouring only. I thought the style of the Paris sentiment made it look a bit like one of the ladies had written on a picture to turn it into a keepsake of where it was taken.

Stamps (Cornish Heritage Farms):
Haute Couture (All Things Considered Line)

Smooth white
Simply Heavy Chocolate

Adirondack dye ink by Ranger (Espresso)
Tim Holtz Distress ink by Ranger (Vintage Photo)
Versafine by Tsukineko (Onyx Black)

Copic markers

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Love it Joanne, it's so stylish xx

  2. Hi Joanne!

    What a gorgeous twinchie - love the colour way and what a different take on the Paris theme FAB!

    Thank You for joining us this week at SCD xx

  3. Hi Joanne

    Wow love this, great images and soft tones

    thanks for joining us on SCD


  4. Fab Twinchie, love the stamps especially the text, very stylish indeed !

  5. Oh this is fantastic Joanne!

  6. Lovely twinchie...I like the flat clean look too.. A bit more room for crativity on a twinchie than an inchie!

  7. Lovely twinchie, very sophisticated and classy.

  8. Lovely,very stylish. Love the background.

  9. Tis' gorgeous! Love the sepia tones..glad you could join in this week...Paris is too good a theme to miss don't you think? :)
    xoxo Sioux

  10. A very classy twinchie - love anything like this to do with Paris - so romantic x

  11. WOW this is stylish Joanne XXX

  12. It's wonderful! The colouring & masking look great! x

  13. This is a great image. Well played.Thanks for playing again this week and good luck.

  14. That's fab Joanne, lvoe the haute couture look.

  15. Absolutely beautiful!! Thanks for the great tutorial! I always enjoy how you share various ways to use our stamps : )


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