Tuesday 27 April 2010

Ready, steady.... stamp!

It's challenge number 19 already over on Ready Steady Stamp. Nefertiti has set some tough ingredients for this one! If you fancy playing along, remember that the rules now make only three items mandatory if you really get stuck with all five. There's an extra incentive to try hard with this one though - there's the chance of a prize on offer if you manage all of them!

Those who know me will probably not be surprised to hear that I struggled more with the inclusion of pink than the rubber - I managed to sneak it in with the stitching! I decided "M" should be for mother and chose a sentiment that puts the emphasis on the word through the typography. I dry brushed gesso onto watercolour paper and spritzed with a home made glimmer mist for the background. Gesso acts as a resist so you get some subtle but interesting patterns from this technique. The rubber is a short offcut of rubber cord that forms a dimensional border between the green and black panels - I found gel Superglue stuck it down well and I didn't have to hold it in place for too long waiting for it to set. The card base is light purple Bazzill and the stitching is deep pink. I couldn't find a pearl or brad in the right kind of colour so I painted a Dew Drop with some Lilac Precious Metal paint which was a good match for the base colour.

Stamps (Cornish Heritage Farms):
Freesia flower
Mother's Day Centers (Mona Lisa Moments line)

Simply Linen black (CHF)
Textured watercolour

Adirondack dye ink by Ranger (Juniper reinker)
Versafine by Tsukineko (Onyx Black)

Perfect Pearls by Ranger (Patina Green)
Dew Drop by Robin's egg
Rubber cord
Precious Metal Paint by Viva Decor (Lilac)
Sewing machine and thread
Corner Chomper

Thanks for stopping by!

Je sais qu'il ya beaucoup de participantes françaises pour les challenge RSS - si vous voulez me laisser un commentaire, mais vous n'aimez pas le faire en Anglais, s'il vous plaît n'hésitez pas à le dire en Français! Je ne le parle pas bien, mais c'est OK pour la compréhension de commentaires court. Merci de votre visite!


  1. Very nice work. I'm still waiting for inspiration to hit me.

  2. Well done on using all the elements Joanne...I know I would be stuck on the rubber! Very lovely card m'dear XXX

  3. Good idea for the rubber!!very beautiful card!!!bizz

  4. A beautiful card ... that stitching is sooooo neat!

  5. Joanne totally gorgeous as always.... love that colour way...so fresh.


  6. Wow what a great challenge and you did a fabulous card;-))m

  7. That's a lovely colour combination...

  8. Beautiful card Joanne xx

  9. Fab card Joanne, love the stitching !

  10. wow Joanne you have managed to use all of the ingredients in the recipe well done you.

    The card looks great - even the rubber. :)

  11. Beautiful card Joanne! Must try that background technique with the gesso!

  12. That greeny colour is beautiful - so is the whole card, for that matter

  13. Lovely card, I like your gesso technique.

  14. Gorgeous Joanne. Love the green. :)

  15. Very pretty! I love the effect you achieved with the gessoed background.

  16. absolutely gorgeous!
    thanks for playing with us, love, Kianel.


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