Tuesday 2 March 2010

Beautiful bleach!

Di is introducing some new shapes and a new sort of board as part of the Tando Creative range. Carol and I have been putting things through their paces and you can see the results of the first experiments -Distress Ink backgrounds- over on Tando. Yes, I really did use bleach here (and yes, I really did have to go buy bleach just for stamping!) - check out the full details and some pieces from Carol too on the Tando Creative blog.

Stamps (Cornish Heritage Farms):
Ornamental Beauty (Rummage Bin line)

Tree Swallow Silhouette

White coated chipboard arch (Tando Creative)


Tim Holtz Distress ink by Ranger (Shabby Shutters and Peeled Paint)

Stazon by Tsukineko (Timber Brown)



Seed beads

Dangle from old earring
Copic markers (to tint white beads as I didn't have anything the right kind of colours).

Thanks for stopping by today!


  1. Love the bleached effect Joanne. Its one of those techniques I keep meaning to try, its so effective. Gorgeous arch....x

  2. Absolutely beautiful Joanne.
    I love the way the bleach works with the colours you have used and so clever to bleach out the breast feathers.
    Sue x

  3. So beautiful and so effective, lovely work

  4. Really beautiful work ... Really beautiful ... I have admit to dribbling slightly at the mouth watering pictures on the Tando blog ... I hope I have it under control now :0)

  5. wow what a beautiful effect youve achieved using bleach...you have such a wonderful way inks and stamping!

  6. The effect is stunning. I have used bleach before but this is outstanding
    hugs June xxxxx

  7. I love the delicate feathery effect you have in the background - I'd better put bleach on my shopping list! :)

  8. What a beautiful effect you achieved on this! I love the color scheme too.

  9. Simply beautiful art...it is so delicate and effective...love it! x

  10. Wow!! But seriously even i have bleach in my house and I never clean!! The bird stamp is simply devine I am off to have dreams about it right now....night night...xxx

  11. This is simply stunning Joanne, I really must try the bleaching technique, what a fantastic effect.

  12. Beautiful bleach work there Joanne.



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