Friday 13 November 2009

A thing of beauty...

The monthly challenge over on the Bubbly Scrumptious blog is to use the quote "A thing of beauty is a joy forever" on your project. I chose to make a simple card. I have a stamp that includes that quote plus an equally lovely one from Confucius so I reached for that and used this week's sketch from Card Positioning Systems to pull it together as a quick make.

I used the out of the box technique for the butterfly and positioned it to pull your eye to the start of the quote around the circle (I hope!). I used a hole punched with a Nestability die to mask the stamped circle and tinted with blue and green chalk and then stamped the silhouette flowers with the mask still in place.

Stamps (Cornish Heritage Farms):
Ornamental Beauty (Rummage Bin line)
Nature's Silhouettes (Kim Hughes Collection)
Vintage Butterflies (Saturday Evening Post line)

Cryogen white
Offbeat collection by Basic Grey

Brilliance by Tsukineko (Graphite Black)
Tim Holtz Distress ink by Ranger (Old Paper)

Paper frill (Doodlebug)
Sewing machine and thread
Chalks (Pebble Inc)

Thanks for stopping by - hope you find something of beauty in your day today!


  1. That's a lovely card. Great idea for the masking.

  2. Love the elegance and beauty of this card - that stamp was just right for the challenge x

  3. lovely card joanne,the butterfly did her job well :)

  4. That's beautiful Joanne. Love the little stamp you've used. xx

  5. This is lovely Joanne!!! I like the idea of the butterfly pointing the start of the quote!

    Thank you so much for taking part in the BS challenge & good luck with the draw XXX

  6. Just picking myself off the floor at our Joanne using patterned paper - that must be oooh at least three times in the years I've known you!

    Anyway, this is such a lovely card, the quotes, nesties, shading and yes, the paper too all work so beautifully together

  7. Such a pretty card, Joanne. I love the masking idea and the out-of-the-box butterfly.

  8. see you can use patterned the colour palette and that BG paper.Another wonderful creation.

  9. Beautiful, Joanne! Love the DP you used, too--you have such a definite, lovely style! One of my favorite quotes, too! Have a wonderful day, my friend!

  10. lovely card - the butterfly is really sweet

  11. Lovely 'Crisp' card, clean lines and very effective !

  12. Oh, I love this - so elegant and pretty!

  13. Beautiful card Joanne, and thanks for taking part!

  14. Fabulous, and that 'tool' sounds just the job for someone like me. Love the masking effect - everything - gorgeous

  15. Such a pretty card. I love the color choice, it really looks classy.

  16. really like your elegant the colours and design..thanks very much for visiting my sons blog he loved all the comments

  17. Wonderful card Joanne. And for all your inspiration I have sent you an award which you can pick up on my blog. :)


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