Wednesday 28 October 2009

Gingersnap Thank You!

Gosh, October has flown past, hasn't it? This is the last of the challenges for CHF's month of sponsoring the Gingersnap Creations blog. The challenge this week is a Random Redhead one of "Thankfulness". I decided to go for a straight "thank you" card to say thanks to the Gingersnap blog for making us so welcome as guest designers this month!

I felt like doing something completely different in terms of my style when I sat down at my stamping table and this is what happened! Inspired by Jo Capper-Sandon's sprayed background in Craft Stamper mag a couple of months back, I made a sort of ethereal background piece by putting a few hedge clippings on white cardstock and spraying with Red Maple Glimmer Mist. I overstamped with dragonflies, script text and clocks then added one cut out clock where the dragonfly wings are coloured with Spica glitter pens and the whole lot is coated with Rock Candy Crackle paint.

We've been using natural materials in our Gingersnap projects this month and I think I could have claimed that the hedge trimmings were it but I decided to push it a bit further and found some birch twigs for a more dimensional effect (we have lots of birch trees and the wind we had at the weekend meant finding twigs on the ground was not difficult!). I've hung the tags directly on the twigs using linen thread.

Stamps (Cornish Heritage Farms):
Botanical Bliss (All Things Considered line)
Fancy Thank You

Smooth white


Brilliance by Tsukineko (Graphite Black)

Tim Holtz Distress ink by Ranger (Antique Linen)


Glimmer Mist by Tattered Angels (Red Maple)

Birch twigs
Linen thread
Distress Crackle Paint by Ranger (Rock Candy)

Tags Trio dies by Spellbinder

Spica Glitter pens (turquoise and green)

Thanks for stopping by today, I really appreciate your visits!


  1. love this change in direction...but then whatever you try just looks stunning!Wonderful card Joanne.

  2. Lovely card Joanne, and the background is wonderful! :)

  3. Cor, am so loving that background, tis a brilliant idea :O) Loving the use of the twigs too...FAB! :O))

  4. this came out great, and I love the way the sentiments are hanging from the branches. a perfect prop!

  5. Gorgeous Joanne, and I love the background...x

  6. Just beautiful, Joanne! You always do such lovely things--great ideas! Thanks for visiting me!

  7. ooo what an amazing background to a really lovely card XXX

  8. Wow, this is so beautiful - love all of your different techniques!

  9. ooh I saw that article, lovely job you've made of it. the branch is brilliant.

  10. That background looks fabulous and I love the little tags on the branches too!

  11. joanne thats beautiful-very different for you,i love it ;)

  12. Brilliant! Love the background Joanne! I've yet to try Jo's technique, but got my foliage ready!

  13. Love the background technique you have chosen Joanne. Keep forgetting to give it a try. It looks so effective. Your card looks very tactile & the Red Maple colour is perfect. Love it. :-)

  14. Incredible Joanne! I always love your style!


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