Tuesday 13 October 2009

Birthday Owl!

This is the card I made for my nephew's birthday - Happy Birthday Josh! For some reason, I just find kid's cards so difficult - in fact DH even suggested I could *gasp* pop down the shop and buy a card. Outrageous!

I used Laura's Sketch 36 from the 2 Sketches 4 You blog to give me a kick start. I cut a hole for the circle and then raised the entire card front up on foam pads before sticking the owl over the aperture.

I've personalised the design with some Dymo wording which also balances it out in terms of visual weight, I think. Sorry about the slight glare from the tape though - too much sunshine in Northumberland!

Stamps (Cornish Heritage Farms):
Owen the Owl (Kim Hughes Collection)

Polka Dot backgrounder


DCWV (blue and green)
Mocha Chica Paper pack (Kim Hughes collection - behind the aperture)

Simply Smooth


Brilliance by Tsukinkeo (Graphite Black)
Versamark by Tsukineko


Copic markers

Dymo label maker

Cuttlebug Birthday embossing folder

Threading Water/Scalloped Lace border punch by Fiskars

White embossing powder
Classic Circles Nestabilities by Spellbinders
Foam pads

I'm sure my nephew won't be too critical (he's not even at school yet ;o) - just hope his mum and dad like it!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Kids cards are difficult aren't they? But this is lovely...just right for a 3year old Joanne.

    I hope you made your hubby wash his mouth out with soap haha XXX

  2. I have a real problem with them too. You've done a great job Joanne, the colours look fab and all the elements work brilliantly

  3. That's a lovely card Joanne, perfect for a 3 year old.

    I think I must be odd as I love doing cards for little ones! xx

  4. Great card Joanne~ I love the colors and that CB panel is just adorable with that owl image. :)

    Lori Washburn

  5. What a cute owl. I love the embossing too

  6. What a great card, Joanne! Your nephew will love it! Love the embossed background, too!

  7. Looks superb to me, love the dreamy owl !!

  8. Another sketch! The owl is great, lovely autumnal colours too.

  9. Well you've done a superb job with this one, and tell DH to wash his mouth out, a bought card, whatever next!!!

  10. That is one fab card - I would never have guessed you found them difficult!

  11. that owl is gorgeous. THe card is fantastic :) TFS

  12. This is adorable but my first thought was "wow, this is definately NOT Joanne's style" ... then reading you writeup I see I was right! WELL ... you did an EXCELLENT job and I'm sure your nephew loved it!!

  13. Super card Joanne like the embossed birthday words.

    Sunshine in Northumberland? Don't complain. hahaha


  14. Know what you mean about kids cards Joanne, although I find a lot of pink and plenty of glitter works well for girls! You've made a great job of your nephew's card, he'll love it and so will his parents! x

  15. I hate doing birthday cards for kids as well..mine are usually football ones or rock stars!! but I have to make sure there is nothing girly on it with my sons!! Love your owl card and the way you have raised it up..the owl reminds me of the owl in the Herb Garden tv series in the 70s


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