Friday 25 September 2009

Day five... still counting!

Thursday on Splitcoaststampers is Ways to Use It challenge day. I decided to play along yesterday and see if I could get in another Christmas card for the blog tour. Julia asked us to take our stamping to places we don't usually go. I found this one tough as I don't think I really have a single style to move away from but here's why I think this qualifies:

- Regulars to my blog will know I rarely work with patterned papers. I seem to have some kind of phobia and while I can spend ages admiring other people's work with them, I usually suffer brain freeze as soon as I pick one up, even if I'm only going to use it as a base layer.

- I do vintage quite often but I rarely do retro/kitsch so I tried for a bit more that feel, even though the image is vintage (it's a Saturday Evening Post cover from 1923).

- I almost never work from sketches. It's a bit like the DP problem - brain freeze! This is based on the CPS sketch this week.

- I stamp partials quite often but I rarely think of actually cropping an image to a partial. This Santa stamp is gorgeous in its entirety but I think it works this way too and it's a whole lot less colouring!

Stamp (Cornish Heritage Farms):
Santa's Lap (Saturday Evening Post line)

Daisy D's
Simply Smooth (CHF)

Brilliance by Tsukineko (Graphite Black)

Copic markers
Silk ribbon
Vintage buttons
Sewing machine and thread
Classic Circle Nestabilities by Spellbinder

What do you think - did I succeed in doing something just a bit different from my "norm"?

If you're new to my blog and arrived by way of the WCMD blog tour please feel free to make yourself at home and look around - the last few posts have all been holiday cards to celebrate the count down to WCMD and if you'd like the PaperCrafts/CK 25% discount code, it's over in the side bar to the left of my blog.

Thanks for taking a look today!


  1. This is a fab card, Joanne - and, yes, you definitely have risen to the challenge. Once upon a time I used to feel a bit like you do about patterned paper, but now I love, love it (you never know, you might find you develop a liking for it!) x

  2. i think you did very well with this challenge joanne,it's great :)

  3. you always rise to the challenge Joanne, and always do a beautiful job of it too! Give me patterned papers any day....I couldnt craft without them,maybe one day you might love using them too.

  4. Oh that's gorgeous Joanne, I love that image.

  5. Gorgeous card Joanne, and a lot less white on it compared to your usual cards! xx

  6. well done so far sweetie!!! This one is fabulous!...looking forward to tomorrows hehe XXX

  7. You have surpassed Joanne. :-D Fabulous card.xx Fingers crossed for tomorrow but no pressure hey!

  8. I love the way you have got the ribbons to curl Joanne. Great card.


    You've made quite a few Christmas cards now - keep it up!

    x x

  9. look at you using dp! I love how you softened around the main image with the vellum. Love your work! Congrats on the blog tour~ you deserve it for sure! :)

  10. Well done for challenging yourself like that. I actually thought the background was stamped as I didn't expect it to be paper. I love what you did with the ribbon, it's amazing. Great card.

  11. Beautiful card, love everything about it, colour (green my fav) buttons, fab image

  12. I am so proud of you for getting past your phobias! This is PERFECT and "right up my alley"!! as you know!!! LOVE that Saturday Evening Post image and what you've done with it! Way to go!!!


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