Wednesday 29 July 2009

Self portrait - age 8

This is me! As soon as I saw this stamp I knew it would end up as a self portrait of some sort ;o)

Aged about eight or so, I had this kind of hair cut and often wore an "Alice band" and I was such an avid reader as a child that even when mum said I had to go outside because the weather was beautiful I was not above taking a book with me and sitting on the back doorstep to read it!

Two challenges combine here - Something Completely Different is on the last week of postcards (6" x 4") and the theme this week is "books". Sunday Stamper has asked us all to "imagine" this week, using the word on our creations. Imagination was exactly the reason I loved to read so much - all those other lives and other worlds to live in!

I've curled the corner of the page to show how eager this little reader is to turn to the next one.

Just for good measure here, I threw in a kind of book I'm not so keen on - the background is stamped with Vintage Ledger Scrapblock - I don't really enjoy working with numbers and have to make a big effort to keep things organised so the idea of using a ledger is not really "me"!

Again, in keeping with my take on the postcard theme, layers are minimal and there are no embellishments on this one.

Stamps (Cornish Heritage Farms):
School Primer (All Things Considered line - releasing Tuesday 4th August (girl, page, cursive alphabet, "My dear children" are all from the set))
Vintage Ledger Scrapblock
Big Inspiration (Mona Lisa Moments line)

Simply Smooth

Adirondack dye ink by Ranger (Espresso)
Tim Holtz Distress ink by Ranger (Vintage Photo)
Brilliance by Tsukineko (Graphite Black)

Copic markers

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Joanne, this card made me smile... do you think we are twins separated at birth? LOL! MY haircut, ME oblivious to everything when in a book, as soon as I learned to read! It is a great card, thanks for sharing it.

  2. HAHAHAHAHA me too!!!!! I could be found like that!!! A lovely take on the theme Joanne XXX

  3. lol that could have been me too - I wasn't beyond getting a torch under the bedcovers to continue reading when I was told lights out!! lolxx

    Fab postcard Joanne, thank you for joining us this week....xx

  4. Wow, stunning artwork Jo, love the story behind this one too...just like me when I was little too...thanks for joining in with the challenge x

  5. Love this!! We were brought up without a this day Mum and Dad still don't have one!!Consequently we all spent every minute reading......often with torches too.....I love the stamps all of them are perfect!! i wish I read more nowadays it makws me sad that I don't:(!!

  6. What a beautiful card and reading the other comments it has struck a chord with many others. Maybe that was 'the' haircut to have? I was fortunate to be able to come home for lunch from primary school and after I ate, I lay on my bed and read, it was always a disappointment to have to go back to school! lol

  7. Very cute stamp joanne, lovely postcard art too! xx

  8. This is amazing Joanne! Although I only know you from online ... I can see where this would be your self portrait! Well done!!

  9. Superb Joanne. Thanks for joining us this week. Gez.xx

  10. Oh Joanne you look really cute - fabulous work as always. :)

  11. A great card ... love the narrative too!

  12. I love this postcard Joanne and the story with it.

  13. I just love this Joanne! Great layout and I love the little girl at the bottom. Great job~ now I need that set too. :)

  14. great card..I loved to read as a child as well..anything Enid Blyton was my favourite at a very early age..thanks for visiting my blog today

  15. The story behind the postcard has brought back alot of memories, yep I had that haircut and was an avid reader too! Great ideas for your card


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