Thursday 16 July 2009

Postcard to the stars

I'm just squeaking in on this week's Something Completely Different challenge. July's object is the postcard (6" x 4") and Gez has chosen this week's theme of "vintage". This is not at all what I planned to do when I sat down but sometimes things just happen, don't they?

I love this quote from Galileo - "I've loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night" and find it especially poignant as Galileo lost his sight in later life. I am lucky enough to live in an area of the UK with relatively little light pollution so we really do have a great view of the stars, even the Milky Way sometimes and we also love the stars fondly.

I hope the star map and the fantastically complex telescope qualify as vintage! In keeping with the postcard theme (at least my thinking of it) I kept the layers and embellishments to a minimum - there's just the torn scrap of vellum for the sentiment and the cut out star other than the base layer. The Scrapblock was perfect here - being a 6" x 6" stamp meant that I could do the whole width of the postcard and have the map go all the way to the edges :o)

Stamps (Cornish Heritage Farms):
Reach 4 the Stars (Rummage Bin line)
Astronomy Scrapblock
Postcard and cancellation mark from Journal Box (Rummage Bin line)

Versafine by Tsukineko (Onyx Black)
Stazon by Tsukineko (Jet Black)
Tim Holtz Distress by Ranger (Vintage Photo)

Cryogen white

Lyra Skintone pencils
Copic marker (to tone down the staples)

Thanks for stopping by, if you're wishing upon a star, I hope your wish is granted!


  1. Well it certainly looks vintage to me Joanne. It's lovely and so is the sentiment.

  2. Joanne what a gorgeous postcard - so the quote and lucky you seeing so many stars....whilst on holiday we always look up to the sky when we get home we see nothing!!

    Thank you for joining us this week xx

  3. That is so very elegant Joanne...I really love it and poor must have been very sad for him not to see the stars again.

    BTW your clock in the background is very much like the one I found in the cellar! XXX

  4. Gorgeous Joanne! I love that telescope!

  5. This is just a fab postcard, Joanne

  6. This is absolutely beautiful

  7. Ooh Joanne I am so pleased you joined us this week. Your postcard is just awesome! I love your train of thought.xx Please feel free to squeak in anytime. Its always a pleasure to visit your blog.

    Hope you have a lovely weekend. Gez.xx

  8. Perfect Joanne. I think it works really well. :)

  9. Just brilliant, love that phrase too!

  10. Your creations always inspire me Joanne! Thanks for that! This is awesome!

  11. this is absolutely gorgeous, so elegant and stylish!


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