Friday 6 February 2009

Fourth folder, fourth pic

I've been tagged by Tracey with the "fourth folder, fourth picture" tag. Well, this proved tricky as if they were ordered by name, my fourth folder only had one picture in it (what's that all about then?!) so I reordered by date and got this...

Sorry it's not anything funny or embarrassing but it does tell you that most of the photos I take are of crafty projects rather than people/scenery/flowers etc etc! I made these during my Guest Designer slot for Crafty Secrets back in May and I don't think I blogged them at the time so maybe you're getting to see something new in any case!

The stamp set is Little Chef but I'm afraid I don't remember any of the detail of inks etc and I'm too lazy to go away and look it up in a gallery or anything - sorry! They're jumbo sized paperclips though so they'd make good markers if you're planning a dinner party menu any time!

I think most people I know in blogland have already been tagged with this one so I'll just say that if you fancy doing this for a laugh, then consider yourself tagged and let us know where to come for a look at your fourth folder/fourth pic reveal!



  1. You see, they are nearly all food related! I remember those little cheffy men, lookin' good.

  2. I hadn't seen these cuties before ... what a great idea!!

  3. tee hee Joanne these are funny little men aren't they a cross between the Pilsbury dough boy and the Little Chef.

    Good to see you have kept the theme on food too. Although mine was purely by accident. lol


  4. What a great idea Joanne. They will look lovely sticking out of a cookery book.
    Must make a note to try this one out. Thanks for sharing your photo & treating us to more of your lovely work. xx

  5. Can't wait to see your new banner. The blog looks good.

  6. Oh, loving those little chefies, they are so cute.

    Well done on the 3 column blog, I found it a bit tricky but got there eventually.....looking forward to your blog banner.


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