Monday 3 November 2008

Simple Brilliance

No, I haven't come over all ego-inflated - today's challenge over at Cornish Heritage Farms focuses on Brilliance inks and I decided to go simple with the card so it's Simple Brilliance!

Brilliance is pigment ink made by Tsukineko and has a lovely sheen to it. One of the things I like best about it is that it stamps well on vellum and unlike some other inks, it dries perfectly and quickly on there.

I was aiming for 'handsome' with this one! The image is stamped with Coffee Bean Brilliance ink on vellum and simply backed with ivory cardstock. This gives a slightly softer look and more depth than just stamping straight on to a layer of card. I used the same ink to stamp the sentiment and then brushed Copper Perfect Pearls over there. An aperture cut with a Nestability die and a line of machine stitching and you're done - a fast card!

Thanks for stopping by today, lots of other Design Team girls are playing along today, why not take a peek for more "Brilliance" ideas?

Carole ~ Dawn ~ Julia ~ Julie ~ Kim ~ Sherrie ~ Val

Clocktower Cottage (Thomas Kinkade line at Cornish Heritage Farms)
Motivational Centers (Mona Lisa Moments line at Cornish Heritage Farms)

Ink: Brilliance by Tsukineko (Coffee Bean)

Epic Black Laid (Prism Papers)

Perfect Pearls by Ranger (Copper from the Metallics kit)
Sewing machine and thread


  1. Ahh, so pretty Joanne...I love how brilliance inks stamp Kinkades sooo your stitching too!

  2. Elegant and beautiful! Love this Joanne!

  3. It is a brilliant, handsome card!

  4. Very handsome Joanne...didn't know you could use brilliance on vellum though so thanks for the tip X X

  5. i really like that image with that quote - very nice card!

  6. Lovely image and sentiment, they go together so well. :)

  7. Gorgeous Joanne, simple is good. I'm off to see what the other girls have done now.

  8. Definitely handsome! Beautiful, Joanne!

  9. Beautifully done Joanne!! I have several Brillance colors but don't use them nearly enough ... thanks for inspiration!

  10. Very "Handsome" Joanne - love the beauty and clean lines. Dru

  11. what a beautiful card Joanne.


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