Thursday 26 June 2008

Seaside diorama

I fancied having a go at a diorama card after seeing the tutorial at Splitcoaststampers and when my Seaside set arrived I thought it would make a perfect diorama subject! I remember those postcards you used to get where things appeared to move depending on how you held the card and thought the diorama had a bit the same effect!

Here's the card front on - it sort of loses the depth a bit but I wanted to get the whole sentiment on there as I think it's so sweet! The shells are on the card front, the little girl is on the middle layer and the sea and sentiment form the backdrop. I stamped the images so that they overlapped where the ovals would be cut and then used an oval template and a blade to cut the apertures, trimming round the images to leave them cutting into the space.

Here's another view, this shows the multi layers and the depth a bit better and lets you see that little flock of seagulls hoving in to view - hope they're not about to spoil her fun and dive bomb her sandcastles!

This kind of card just pushes sideways so that it flattens to go into an envelope - fun!

Supplies: Seaside stamp set (Crafty Secrets), Versafine Vintage Sepia, Adirondack (Cloudy Blue, Stonewashed, Denim), Tim Holtz Distress ink (Antique Linen, Scattered Straw, Broken China), Nick Bantock ink (Charcoal Grey), Prismacolor pencils/OMS/stump, sponge, white gel pen

ETA a shout out for Dani of Four Creative Seasons - she has a fabulous eBay store and ships quickly and as cheaply as possible. She's my Crafty Secrets supplier of choice! Areas of California are suffering terrible fires at the moment and Dani is donating a portion of profits from the store to charities concerned with the fire fighting and relief effort. Why not check out the Four Creative Seasons store if you have some crafty pennies to spend?

Thanks for dropping by, hope the sun is shining on you today even if only metaphorically!


  1. It is indeed a lovely verse and a super card you've made. Well done you!
    Sue x

  2. another fab creation - brill xx

  3. Love this seaside card Joanne and my favourite is the "Time flies" card. Very lovely indeed. XX

  4. Fantastic!!! Well done. :)


  5. that is just fantastic and makes me think of my younger days spent at Dymchurch, oh to be a child again, love the whole effect of this x

  6. Wow that is way too cool! I love the side shot!

  7. WOW ... now that puts a whole new perspective on this awesome card!!! One problem, Joanne ... when my stamp set shows up and I case this card, it's going to take me a MONTH OF SUNDAYS to get it done!!! I'll be calling on you if I have questions because you've obviously mastered this technique!! FANTASTIC card!! LOVE IT!!!

  8. Wow!! What a super card, Joanne. I've no seen these before - must investigate!

  9. WOW this is a stunning card!!! Oh and seagulls divebomb anything with chips!!!!

  10. What a fab card Joanne!! Love it.

  11. Wow, how clever is this? Fantastic scene, very creative and skillful and inspiring!

    Just going to email you about the clutches...

  12. Whoops, I can't see your email addy - could you email me please then I can reply to you?

  13. Love your work!

  14. Beautiful card Joanne, I love all your cards.

  15. What a fab idea for a card Jaonne, very clever indeed....xx

  16. Fab card Joanne i love the verse.

    Andrea x

  17. Wow!!! Joanne that's amazing xx

    have left you a little gift on my blog xx

  18. Truly stunning!!! I love the depth of color added to the dimension... really beautiful!


  19. It's me again - please look on my blog for details of an award I've given to you.

  20. Looks amazing Joanne!! As does the rest of your stuff, looks like I've got alot to catch up on :)

  21. Wow, this is wonderful! There's something for you on my blog :)

  22. It's stunning Joanne. I might have to have a go at that one :)

  23. Wow Joanne, this is just amazingly beautiful. Love what you did here. I must try this techinique out someday.


  24. Woah, this is incredible!!!!


  25. What amazing dimension and colors!!


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